Voting and Elections
Step One: Check your registration status or register to vote.
Checking Voter Registration Status
If you can’t remember whether or not you’re registered to vote or which address you are registered under, go to to check your registration status. Follow the steps under “Find out if you are registered to vote” to enter the information requested.
Registering to Vote
If you are not registered to vote, or you would like to register under a different address, there are a few options to choose from.
Option One: Register under your home address
1. If your home address is in Minnesota:
In Minnesota, citizens can register to vote online if they have an email address, a valid MN driver’s license number, the last four digits of their social security number, or a state ID number. When one registers online using a driver’s license or state ID number, they are automatically registered to the address on their driver’s license. If you do not want to register with this address, it is simplest to use a paper application!
2. If your home address is NOT in Minnesota:
Visit your home state’s Secretary of State website or to find out what you must do to register. The process can differ from state to state. You can also visit the U.S. Election Assistance Commission to find out whether or not your home state offers online voter registration. If it does, you can follow the link to the appropriate website. If it does not, you have to either print out or request a voter registration application and send it back to the appropriate office by mail.
Option Two: Register under your CSB/SJU Campus address
To register under an address that is not on your driver’s license, it is simplest to use the paper application!
1. If you have never been registered to vote anywhere:
Use the paper application to register with your campus residence and your P.O. Box address. OR go to Minnesota’s Secretary of State’s website and follow their registration steps.
2. If you have been registered to vote at an address that is NOT your CSB/SJU address:
Use the paper application to register with your campus residence and your P.O. Box address. You will also need to fill out the “Registration Updates” section, providing the address where you have been previously registered to vote OR go to Minnesota’s Secretary of State’s website and follow their registration steps.
Step Two: Educate yourself about the candidates and issues.
Democratic Party
On the National Democratic Party’s website, voters can find press releases, party platforms, information on party initiatives, and career opportunities.
The Minnesota DFL (Democratic-Farmers-Labor Party) website has information about all of the DFL’s elected officials in office, as well as basic background information about the DFL party, volunteer opportunities, and the party’s platforms.
Republican Party
On the National Republican Party website, voters can find links to the national party’s history, party platforms, press releases, and national Republican groups.
The Minnesota Republican Party’s website has links to GOP elected officials in office, a brief history of the party, volunteer opportunities, and basic party platforms.
Libertarian Party
On the National Libertarian Party’s website, students can learn more about the party’s platform, which emphasizes the importance of little to no government intervention in citizens’ private affairs. The site also contains press releases, the party’s history, and their campaigning members.
The Libertarian Party of Minnesota’s website gives voters information regarding local gatherings and ways in which one can become involved in the libertarian party.
Green Party
The National Green Party’s website allows students to easily access the party’s platform, which is centered around the importance of sustainability and equality, as well as explains the many ways in which one can become involved in supporting the Green Party.
The Minnesota Green Party’s website leads students to volunteer opportunities which support the party at the state level.
Independent Party
This Independent Voters Website has numerous resources for those who view themselves as independent voters, as well as those who may be on the fence concerning their political affiliation.
Minnesota Independence Party is dedicated to representing those who are centrists and do not conform to the traditional two parties: Democrat or Republican. This website offers information and further options for students who are curious about what it means to be an independent voter.
Step Three: Find your polling location or request an absentee ballot.
Finding Your Polling Location
Minnesota’s Polling Place Finder will tell you where your designated polling location is if you are registered to vote in Minnesota. All you have to do is type in the address of where you are registered to vote and it will tell you the polling location, as well as the date of your next election.
College of Saint Benedict and Saint John’s University on-campus voting locations:
If you are registered to vote on campus, your polling location is based on the dorm/apartment/house you reside in. Please refer to the above voter guide or visit to determine your polling location.
Election Judges
The City of St. Joseph is looking for individuals to serve as election judges for the 2020 elections. Election judges are temporary, paid employees trained to oversee voting and assist voters at the polling places. No experience is necessary, but those with prior election judge training are highly encouraged to apply. Judges will receive 2-3 hours of training and are certified for two years. For more information, visit the City of St. Joseph webpage.
Requesting an Absentee Ballot
If you are not registered to vote at your campus address or are not able to make it to your designated polling location, you will need to request an absentee ballot! If you are registered to vote in a state other than Minnesota, go to Absentee Ballot Rules to find out your state’s specific guidelines in requesting an absentee ballot.
Minnesota Voters:
If you are registered to vote in Minnesota, request an absentee ballot here.
Step Four: Vote!
Head to the polls (if you are not voting absentee) and invite friends to join you! Share on social media that you voted with #csbsjuvotes for a chance to be featured on our Instagram!
The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), and Help America Vote Act (HAV), as well as other federal laws, requires that all Americans –including those with disabilities and seniors– have equal opportunity to participate in the election process. For more resources regarding accommodations, visit U.S. Election Assistance Commission.