Music Collections
Alcuin Library holds several special collections in music, including manuscripts of composers Richard Proulx and Bryan Hays, OSB, as well as scores collected by church musician Bruce Larsen. The focus of these collections is sacred music – masses and other service music as well as choral and organ music on religious themes. Additional genres include operas, oratorios, art songs and popular music.
The Sacred Music Collections is comprised of Christian hymns, liturgical works, chants, Masses, carols, and other religious music scores, covering thousands of composers over hundreds of years. Materials in this collection were gifted to Saint John’s by several donors, including Bruce Larsen and Richard Proulx. The Sacred Music Collection is located in Alcuin Library, Saint John’s University.
- Bryan Hays,OSB Collection
- Bruce Larsen Collection
- Huijbers-Oosterhuis Collection
- Richard Proulx Collection
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