InterLibrary Loan

To request an item

Use the search box on the library homepage and then click

Request Item through Interlibrary Loan (button)

If you don’t see a button with the text “Request Item through Interlibrary Loan” but you still want to submit a request, scroll down the page to the “Other Availability & Holdings” section and click

Other Libraries Worldwide (button)

then click

Request Item through Interlibrary Loan (button)

To request an item from a database

1. Click the   Find it button button located in most of our databases.

2. Then click the   Request This Item button to create an ILL request for a specific item.

If you don’t see a “Request Item through Interlibrary Loan” button, click the button below to fill out a blank Interlibrary Loan Request Form.

Interlibrary Loan Request Form

Video Tutorial on Placing an Interlibrary Loan for an Article

Video Tutorial on Placing an Interlibrary Loan for a Book Chapter


What is Interlibrary Loan?

The Interlibrary Loan department borrows materials from other libraries for use by members of the CSB and SJU academic and monastic communities.

Who may use the Interlibrary Loan service?

Faculty, staff, current students, and members of the Benedictine communities at CSB/SJU may request materials through the Interlibrary Loan department. Alumni and local borrowers should request Interlibrary Loan materials through their local public libraries.

How long does it take?

Many requests for copies of articles arrive within a few days, and the majority of items arrive within two weeks so please allow at least that much processing time when making your request. Turnaround time varies greatly for Interlibrary Loan requests, depending on the nature of the material and the location of the lender.

We make every attempt to order all requested materials within one to two business days of when the requests were submitted.  Materials are always ordered from local libraries if possible.

How much does it cost?

  1. There is no charge for requests filled through a free lender.
  2. There will be a charge of $5 for each request that is not available from a free lender. Requestors will be notified on a request-by-request basis and must agree to pay the $5 charge before the order is placed.

How do I find out when my requested material has arrived?

You will receive an email as soon as your item becomes available.

To check the status of your ILL requests log on to My ILL Requests.

When are Interlibrary Loan books due?

Lending libraries set the due dates for the materials they lend.

Due dates are indicated on the white bookstrap, and in WorldCat on My Account.

Please return books to the Circulation desk at either library on or before the due date, in order to avoid overdue charges.

May I request a renewal?

The lending library decides whether to grant a renewal. Please request a renewal at My Account, if you receive an error when trying to request an ILL renewal please send your request to the ILL Office. Please include the title of the item and the ILL number recorded on its label/strap. Please monitor My Account for the new due date and watch your emails for updates.

Please contact the CSB ILL Office (363-5604) or the SJU ILL Office (363-2120) with questions.

What is the overdue policy?

  1. Interlibrary loan materials can be renewed within 9 days of the due date without incurring any fines. On the tenth day, an overdue fine of $10.00 per item will be charged and is non-refundable.
  2. After the material is overdue for 28 days, students, faculty and staff will be billed for the replacement cost of the material and a $10.00 processing fee. This bill will be not less than the current CSB and SJU replacement fee, but may be higher. Library borrowing privileges may be suspended until the material is returned or the fines are paid.

Whom do I call for more information?

Please contact the CSB ILL Office (363-5604) or the SJU ILL Office (363-2120) with questions.