Land Policies, Plans & Records

Welcome to the Abbey Arboretum. The Abbey has owned and cared for this site since 1856. In keeping with our Benedictine Values, the monastic community is pleased to share our home with you where you may observe nature and be physically and spiritually refreshed. As a guest on this private property, please be respectful of our policies and this land which we consider sacred. 

Summary of Land Use Policies

To the students, employees, staff, alumni/ae, oblates, arboretum members, visitors, event participants, guests, and friends of Saint John’s:

Welcome to the lands of Saint John’s Abbey. The Abbey has owned and cared for this site since 1856. In keeping with our Benedictine values, the monastic community is pleased to share our home with you where you may observe nature and be physically and spiritually refreshed. As a guest on this private property, please be respectful of our policies and this land which we consider sacred. Thanks you.

You are welcome to:

Prohibited Activities:

All recreational and educational uses must meet Abbey policy. Additional policy details are available below or by calling Life Safety Services at 320-363-2144.

Pet Policy

No dogs or other pets are allowed in the Abbey Arboretum or on the Saint John’s University campus, whether leashed or unleashed. Some exceptions apply for qualified service animals, and others. Review the policy for more details.

Hammocks & Slacklines

The use of hammocks and slacklines is permitted on Saint John’s property only by those who have completed hammock/ slackline “leave no trace” training from the Outdoor Leadership Center and have received a tag for their equipment.

Lands & Trails Policy

Abbey Arboretum lands and trails serve a variety of uses. In order to maintain the high quality wildlife habitat and be welcoming to all guests certain land use activities are not allowed or restricted.

Lakes & Water Policy

Lake Sagatagan is one of the most pristine lakes in the state. Stewardship policies in the Abbey Arboretum aim to maintain the quality of the lakes, wetlands, and watersheds within the boundaries of the Abbey Arboretum.

Invasive Species Policy

An important part of any land management plan is to have a strategy for managing invasive species. Read a summary of our policies and activities.

Trespass Policy

All guests are welcome to explore the Abbey Arboretum within any limits or restrictions set forth by the Abbey. Trespass notices may be issued to individuals when complaints or violations are made.

Historical Records

Members of the Saint John’s Abbey, CSB/SJU professors, and natural resource professionals have documented the unique biological communities present at Saint John’s through research and writing. 

Abbey Energy

Saint John’s Abbey & University are committed to energy conservation and providing the campus with renewable energy resources.