Pathways to Distinction

Celebrate and accentuate your standout qualities.

Your college journey will take you down many paths. Only a select few lead to a destination of distinction.

Pathways to Distinction is a new program that will help Bennies and Johnnies stand out for their exceptional accomplishments inside and outside of the classroom. If you choose this path, it will lead to more than a prestigious achievement on your resume. It will take you on a journey that leads to a more meaningful personal and professional life after graduating with this high honor.

What are Pathways?

Pathways to Distinction are guided steps to achieving CSB and SJU’s Institutional Learning Goals. The distinctions—while challenging to earn—are not entirely based on GPA or coursework. Instead, they recognize your extraordinary development and accomplishments across a variety of academic, community-based, personal, leadership, global engagement, service and other experiences. In doing so, they embody the Benedictine Values and complement our Integrations Curriculum.

Each Pathway enables students to strategically decide how they want to stand out during their four years on campus. The distinction is earned by completing required and elective criteria during a student’s sophomore, junior and senior years on campus.

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