History Curriculum

The history curriculum is exceptionally broad, covering Africa, Asia, Latin America, Europe, and the United States, and subjects including social, political, intellectual, cultural, and economic history. The history major is highly flexible to suit individual student interest.

Quick Facts

  • Total classes:
  • Weeks per class: 16
  • Total Credit Hours: 16
  • Average classes: 18
  • Total Faculty: 9
  • Scholarships:
  • Next Start Date: 08/26/2024
  • Applications Due: 08/01/2024
Course Number Course Title Credits
HIST 115 Bad Blood: The "Truth" About Modern East Asia 4 Credits
HIST 119 Pop!: The History of Asian Pop Culture in America 4 Credits
HIST 121 Aztecs, Incas, and Mayas: From Indigenous Empires to Conquered Peoples 4 Credits
HIST 130 Introduction to Archaeology 4 Credits
HIST 141 Europe from the Black Death to the French Revolution 4 Credits
HIST 142 Topics in European History 4 Credits
HIST 142A Becoming Modern Europe 4 Credits
HIST 142B Europe Since 1750 4 Credits
HIST 152B Liberty, Empire, & Faith in US History 4 Credits
HIST 152C The American Dream: Reality or Illusion 4 Credits
HIST 152D The American Century 4 Credits
HIST 153 Growing Up in US History 4 Credits
HIST 165 History Readings Group 1 Credit
HIST 180 Sex, Race, and Medicine 4 Credits
HIST 201A Debating the French Revolution 2 Credits
HIST 220 Sword and Scroll: Violence and Cultural Exchange in Antiquity 4 Credits
HIST 270OA Introduction to the Main Global Patterns and Developments in History 3 Credits
HIST 271 Individual Learning Project 1-4 Credits
HIST 277A Sport and Society in Recent US History 4 Credits
HIST 277B Protest, Riot, and Rebellion in US History 4 Credits
HIST 277C Fascism Past and Present 4 Credits
HIST 277D Revolution and Repression in Modern Latin America 4 Credits
HIST 278A Confusingly Confucian: Creating East Asia to 1600 4 Credits
HIST 279B Sex, Murder, and Empire: Britain 4 Credits
HIST 279C Profits, Paintings & Power in Renaissance Italy 4 Credits
HIST 279D The American Revolution 4 Credits
HIST 279E Global Health, Culture, and Inequality 4 Credits
HIST 295 History Colloquium 4 Credits
HIST 295A Debating the French Revolution 4 Credits
HIST 295B History in Popular Culture 4 Credits
HIST 295C Struggle for Freedom 4 Credits
HIST 295D Germany from the Weimar Republic to the Third Reich 4 Credits
HIST 295E Inventing the Conquest of Mexico 4 Credits
HIST 295F Badass Samurai and Beautiful Geisha: When Myth and History Collide 4 Credits
HIST 295G Avengers of the New World: The Haitian Revolution 4 Credits
HIST 301 Race and Law in US History 4 Credits
HIST 305 Medicine, Empire and Global Health 4 Credits
HIST 314 Missionary Positions: Christianity in East Asia 4 Credits
HIST 317 China: Global Domination 4 Credits
HIST 319 Japanese History Through Horror: Monsters and Modernity 4 Credits
HIST 321 Mexico from Aztecs to Independence 4 Credits
HIST 322 Mexico from Independence to Today 4 Credits
HIST 323 Religion in Latin America 4 Credits
HIST 323A Religion in Modern Latin America 4 Credits
HIST 323B Cross and Sword: Religion in Early Latin America 4 Credits
HIST 328 Missionaries and Empire 4 Credits
HIST 329 Guns, Gold and Slaves: Africa and the British Empire 4 Credits
HIST 330 Parties and Wars: Greece in the Classical Period 4 Credits
HIST 333 Gender and Society in Western Europe 4 Credits
HIST 337 The Age of Reformation 4 Credits
HIST 344 Modern Germany 4 Credits
HIST 349 Russia: Power, Resistance, Revolution 4 Credits
HIST 350 Sex and Power in Early America 4 Credits
HIST 353 Civil War and Reconstruction in American Culture 4 Credits
HIST 355 Slavery in the Atlantic World 4 Credits
HIST 357 United States from World War I to 1960 4 Credits
HIST 358 United States since 1960 4 Credits
HIST 360 U.S. Environmental History 4 Credits
HIST 368 The United States and the World 4 Credits
HIST 369 Gender in U.S. History 4 Credits
HIST 370GA History of Greece in the Classical World Abroad 4 Credits
HIST 370GB Aegean & Ancient Greek Art & Archaeology 3 Credits
HIST 370GC Aegean Prehistory: The Rise & Fall of the Bronze Age Cultures 3 Credits
HIST 370GD Biography of an Empire: The Surprising Life of “Byzantium” (324-1453) 3 Credits
HIST 370GE Life & Death in Ancient Greece & Everything in Between: an Intro to Athenian Society 3 Credits
HIST 370GF Sports, Games and Spectacles in the Graeco-Roman World 3 Credits
HIST 370GG To the Strongest: The Ancient Near East from the Death of Alexander to the Coming of Rome 3 Credits
HIST 370GH The Worlds of Medieval Greece: Tracing Byzantine, Islamicate, Slavic, Jewish, and Frankish Heritage 3 Credits
HIST 370IA History of Rome in the Classical World 4 Credits
HIST 370IB History of Rome from its Origins to Charlemagne 3 Credits
HIST 370IC History of Modern Rome 3 Credits
HIST 370JA Japanese Culture and Life Abroad 4 Credits
HIST 370LA Modern British History 4 Credits
HIST 370OA Key Processes in the Making of Western History 4 Credits
HIST 370OB Twentieth Century History: A Global Perspective 3 Credits
HIST 370PA Early Modern & Modern Spanish History: From Isabella & Ferdinand to the Euro (1450 – present) 3 Credits
HIST 370SA World War II and Central Europe 3 Credits
HIST 371 Individual Learning Project 1-4 Credits
HIST 377A Roman Empire 4 Credits
HIST 377B World War 2, Memory, and Justice 4 Credits
HIST 378B 20th Century World Environmental History 4 Credits
HIST 379A 100 Years of Korean Dreams: The Aspirations of the 20th and 21st Century Peninsula 4 Credits
HIST 395 Historiography 4 Credits
HIST 395A Historiography: Interpreting the American Revolution 4 Credits
HIST 395B Historiography: History, Memory, and the Politics of Remembering 4 Credits
HIST 395C Historiography: The American West 4 Credits
HIST 395E Historiography: Idols & Images in Colonial Mexico 4 Credits
HIST 395F Historiography: War Games: Remembering and Revising the Pacific War 4 Credits
HIST 395G Historiography: From Women’s History to Gender History 4 Credits
HIST 397 Internship 1-8 Credits
HIST 399 Senior Thesis 4 Credits