
1: Review the Summer Internship information.
  • Attend information sessions held in October.
  • Or, meet with directors individually.
2: Complete the program application.

Early application due Friday, November 17, 2023, for early acceptance and assistance with SLF application.

Regular application due Friday, December 8, 2023.

  • Prepare a one-page resume that describes your education, skills, experience and background that might be helpful in the work of a Congressional, lobbying, communications, or public policy office.
  • Prepare a 1-2 page writing sample demonstrating clear and concise writing and research skills.

Complete the online Summer 2024 Washington D.C. Internship form which includes a place to upload your resume and writing sample. After this you will receive an email containing all of the information you have submitted.

All questions should be directed to Claire Haeg at [email protected].

Note that some internship sites – e.g., the State Department, F.B.I., etc., take a longer lead time to complete the application process and application materials must be prepared earlier in the fall.

3: Initial application approval.

Late November.

The program directors will notify applicants if accepted into the summer program immediately after interviews in late November so that students can apply for grants and funding. 

4: Application materials sent to Washington sites.
  • During late fall and early spring semesters, the directors will assist students in researching internship opportunities at appropriate Washington locations, preparing application materials, and following up on contacts. This is an intensive process and requires a serious time commitment.
  • A series of pre-internship orientation sessions will be scheduled for mandatory participation by all interns approved for summer study in D.C. (Students studying abroad will be kept informed of session activities electronically.)
  • Registration forms will be completed and submitted to the Registrar’s Office by the Program Director. Tuition will be due and payable to Student Accounts in accordance with deadlines provided by the Registrar’s Office.
  • Housing is organized by the Program.
5: D.C. Summer Study, June and July 2024.
6: Final evaluation report and updated resume due.

Information subject to change, please confirm with Program Director.

Washington, D.C. Summer Study Program

2024 Program Application

College of Saint Benedict
Saint John’s University

Dr. Whitney Court
Chair, Political Science Department
SJU Simons 146