Learning Outcomes

Mission Statement

The Department of Political Science equips students to understand political life, to be effective citizens, and to achieve positions of political leadership.

The Department of Political Science makes the following mission commitments:

Based on consensus within the discipline, and in accordance with the liberal arts mission of CSB/SJU, faculty in the Department of Political Science have approved the following set of student learning goals subject to evidence-based revision and subsequent program development. These learning goals represent only a fraction of what we expect Political Science students to learn from their successful completion of the Political Science curriculum. Nevertheless, these goals represent a stable foundation of what it means to complete a Political Science curriculum at CSB/SJU. (Revised May 2015)

As a result of successful completion of the political science curriculum at CSB/SJU, students will demonstrate competence with respect to the following knowledge, skills, and values.

Outcome 1

Knowledge about political systems and processes.

Outcome 2

Skills for political effectiveness.

Outcome 3

Values that support engagement in civic and political life.

Mock Trial Team 2022

College of Saint Benedict
Saint John’s University

Dr. Whitney Court
Chair, Political Science Department
SJU Simons 146