
Course Reserves are materials that your instructor keeps at the CSB and SJU Libraries so that everyone in a class can have access. Reserves are available on a first come, first served basis; you can’t place a hold on a Reserve item and pick it up later. Reserves can be checked out for four hours at a time. There is a fine of $1.00 for every two hours that a Reserve item is overdue.

Faculty, request to add things to course reserves here.

Finding Your Course Reserves

View Course Reserves here

Reserved materals photo with Media Literacy and SJU Alcuin Reserves is circled

Location Information:

SJU Alcuin Reserves = Information Desk on the Upper Level of Alcuin
CSB Clemens Reserves = Library Help Desk at Clemens

If you have any questions, please contact Wendy Sykes at Alcuin Library (2120) or Kelly Groth at Clemens Library (5604).