Course List

Department of Nursing Graduate Programs

Courses and descriptions may be revised prior to first offering.

Course NumberCourse TitleCredits
NRSG 317 or 413 or 513Global Perspectives3 Credits
NRSG 318 or 414 or 514Ethics, Health Policy & Advocacy3 Credits
NRSG 319 or 415 or 515Healthcare Systems and Organizational Leadership3 Credits
NRSG 401 or 501Research Methods3 Credits
NRSG 402 or 502Informatics3 Credits
NRSG 403 or 503Theoretical Basics for Program & Quality Improvement3 Credits
NRSG 404 or 504Evaluation & Translation of the Evidence3 Credits
NRSG 366 or 420, 421, 422Practicum I, II, III4 Credits
NRSG 435 or 535Adv Physiology/Pathophysiology3 Credits
NRSG 436 or 536, 537Advanced Pharmacology I, II3 Credits
NRSG 339 or 539Advanced Health Assessment3 Credits
NRSG 454 or 554The Influential Nurse Leader3 Credits
NRSG 465 or 565Facilitating Learning3 Credits
NRSG 466 or 566Transition to Advanced Professional Practice3 Credits
NRSG 468Clinical Knowledge3 Credits
NRSG 510Basis for Nursing Inquiry3 Credits
NRSG 520Transition to Advanced Practice3 Credits
NRSG 551Family Systems2 Credits
NRSG 552, 553Diagnostics I, II 4 Credits
NRSG 555Creating a Vision for Nursing Practice3 Credits
NRSG 556Modern Decision Making in a Collaborative Environment3 Credits
NRSG 557Specialty Care Management3 Credits
NRSG 560, 561, 562Advanced Practice Nursing I, II, III11 Credits
NRSG 563Capstone for Advanced Practice Nurse2 Credits
NRSG 580, 581, 582, 583Practicum Inquiry I, II, III, IV
(for Leadership Students)
8 Credits (for Leadership Students)
NRSG 584, 585, 586Clinical Practicum I, II, III6 Credits
NRSG 587Clinical Practicum Elective2 Credits
NRSG 590 to 594Doctoral Project I-IV6 Credits
AACN Requirement Regarding DNP Practice Experiences (AACN, Essentials of Doctoral Education for Advanced Nursing Practice, 2006, p.19)3-8 Credits