Sean Lew ’25

Program: Spain Semester

Major: Global Business Leadership

Why did you choose to study abroad and how did you decide on this program?

I knew I wanted to study abroad coming into college, which is one of the reasons that attracted me to CSB+SJU. When the time came to apply, I originally applied to London. However, I ended up switching to Seville, which ended up being the best decision I could have imagined. I didn’t know anything about Seville when applying or even leading up to my time to go abroad. I quickly fell in love with the city’s deep historical significance, the community, and the city’s beauty.

Briefly describe a specific cultural experience you had on your program that made a lasting impression.

I would say that a cultural experience that I had that will have a lasting impression for the rest of my life is just meeting many different people from both all over the U.S. as well as people from across Spain and across Europe while spending time in my host city as well as while traveling around.

Based on your experiences abroad, what are some of the benefits of spending a semester abroad? How has studying abroad contributed to your personal, academic, and professional development?

Some of the benefits of studying abroad are gaining more global competency and making lifelong friends and memories while getting the chance to live across the world. You will finish this opportunity and have a better understanding of different cultures and places around the world that you can carry with you for the rest of your life. Along with that, I met some great people from different places in the U.S. at our study center as well as create lifelong friends with people from both CSB+SJU and other places.

What advice can you offer for CSB+SJU students who are considering or planning to study abroad?

I would say if it is something that you are thinking about doing, come talk to somebody to learn more information. It is something that you will always cherish and have the most fun of your life in the moment. I still find myself thinking about my time abroad every single day. The best advice that I would give someone is to reach out and learn more info and take that chance. Studying abroad is something that not everyone is able to do in their lifetime. At CSB+SJU it is very accessible, so take advantage of it and travel the world.