Get Engaged & Have Fun

Engaged and active student life is vital to our sense of community at the College of Saint Benedict and Saint John’s University! That’s why our Center for Student Leadership & Engagement provides a whole range of opportunities, so students are empowered to find their own paths and passions to enhance their educational experiences.


A club at CSB and SJU is a group of students with a designated purpose. And we have over 75 of them! There’s absolutely something for everyone. All our clubs are student-run, with a faculty/staff advisor and oversight from our Student Leadership & Engagement team. Click the link below and explore your options. Don’t see what you’re looking for? Start the New Club Recognition process and get access to staff, resources, services, funding and general institutional insurance coverage for a club of your creation.​


An organization at CSB and SJU is defined as a group that is closely tied to a department on campus and has oversight by that department rather than by the Center for Student Leadership & Engagement. ​An organization doesn’t have to go through the New Club Recognition process, and isn’t required to have a constitution.


The Center for Student Leadership & Engagement and our 100+ clubs and organizations host a wide variety of events for Bennies and Johnnies throughout the academic year. There’s always something going on! Watch your calendar and find what moves you. 

Family Weekend occurs each fall at the beginning of the new academic year to celebrate student life on our campuses. Students invite family and friends to experience events and activities on our campuses and in our community.

As the end of the academic year approaches, our Bennie and Johnnie seniors participate in a variety of events and traditions in addition to commencement. See what is planned for ’24. 

Find out more about the organized First-Year Experience available for all incoming Bennies and Johnnies!