Table of Contents of St. Benedict’s Quarterly
1928 December
“Shepherd Boy” by Bernice Uptegrove, page 4
“His Negro Heritage” by M. M. G. (alumna), page 5
“Because” by Mary Louise Bohmer, page 12
“Candle Flame” by Maxine Burmeister, page 13
“The Convert” by Helena Somers, page 14
“What’s You?” by Hildegard Schwankl, page 15
“Mob Spirit in Literature” by Mary Johnson, page 17
“Transformed” by Margaret Carr, page 18
“Blue Curtains” by Ruth Moran, page 19
“Checkers” by Mary Alice McCarthy, page 21
“The Way It Is” by Bernice Hogan, page 22
“The Love Bird” by Virginia Tahnk, page 23
Verse by Ruth Moran, Eleanore Wleter, Cecyl Nelson, and Margaret Heinen, page 29
“Discards” by Ione Koch, page 30
“Exchange” by Margaret Heinen, page 31
“Europe by Collegiate Tour” by Marie Weber, page 32
“A Dress for Mary” by Ruth Moran, page 37
Editorial by B. Uptegrove, Ruth Moran, and Cecilia Allen, page 38
Campus Notes, page 40
Exchanges, page 42
Alumnae, page 44
Who’s Who, page 50
Comic Wave Lengths, page 52
1929 February
“For Mary” by Ruth Moran, page 4
“Bliss Carmen” by M. M. G. (alumna), page 5
“Without Bond” by Ione Koch, page 8
“Ebony” by Marceline Peterson, page 9
“Conquering Jimmy” by Maxine Burmeister, page 10
“Stars” by Ruth Moran, page 11
“Milton’s Wives and His Literary Women” by Virginia Tahnk, page 12
“Haloes: An Appreciation” by Ruth Moran, page 15
“In Defense of Scotchmen” by Maggie MacDonald, page 16
“On the Milky Way” by Mary Alice McCarthy, page 17
Verse by Eleanore Welter, Georgina Thielman, Magdalen Etzell, Hildegard Schwankl, Mary Alice McCarthy, and Ruth Moran, page 18
“Michael Williams” by Hildegard Schwankl, page 21
“For Cavalry” by Ruth Moran, page 23
“Tuffy” by Ruth Moran, page 24
“Salesmen in Line” by Bernice Hogan, page 26
“Three Things” by M. M. G., page 27
“It May Happen to You” by Kathryn Stadum, page 28
“Love” by Eleanore Welter, page 29
Editorial by Hildegard Schwankl, Maxine Burmeister, and Eleanore Hanratty, page 30
Alumnae, page 32
Campus Notes, page 36
Exchanges, page 37
Who’s Who, page 39
Comic Wave Lengths, page 41
1929 April
“Spring” by Evelyn Mortenson, page 4
“Rossetti’s Emotional Heritage” by Ruth Moran, page 5
“Blue Dogs” by Francis Pangborn, page 8
“On a White Wall” by Julie Burns, page 10
“Sir James Barrie” by Eleanore Welter, page 11
“Three Brothers” by Bernice Hogan, page 15
“There Is No Frigate” by Mary Catherine Pangborn, page 16
“Michael” by Ruth Moran, page 17
“The Irish Renaissance in Drama” by Margaret Carr, page 19
“Compensation” by Kathleen McCann, page 22
Verse by Margaret Heinen, May Ann Humnick, Mary Alice McCarthy, and Ruth Moran, page 23
“No Escape” by Virginia Tahnk, page 24
“Is a Bloodroot” by Margaret Carr, page 28
“To a Bloodroot” by Margaret Carr, page 28
“Mary Ellen Chase,” page 29
“Last Night” by Marguerite Schaefer, page 30
“I Don’t Want to Grow Up” by Hildegard Schwankl, page 31
Editorial, page 32
“The Beggar” by Anne Smith, page 33
Alumnae, page 34
Campus Notes, page 38
Exchanges, page 40
Who’s Who, page 41
Comic Wave Lengths, page 43
1929 June
“Campus Vista” by E. Farrell, page 4
“Romance and Realism” by Eleanore Welter, page 5
“Lights” by Bernes Larson, page 7
“With Us Still” by Kathryn Stadum, page 7
“The Second Dream Boy” by Ruth Moran, page 8
“Happy or Practical” by Maxine Burmeister, page 10
“For One Night” by Ruth Moran, page 12
“Charmiene” by La Verne Meadows, page 13
College Graduates 1919, page 13A
“First Morning Home” by Stella Bailiff, page 13
“A Visitor Comes” by Virginia Tahnk, page 14
“My People” by Virginia Tahnk, page 15
Lines For the Poets, page 18
“Aline Kilmer” by Ruth Moran, page 20
“Summer Clouds” by M. A. Humnick, page 22
“Lazarus Speaks” by Ruth Moran, page 22
“Bright Shadows” by Frances Pangborn, page 23
“Things Rescued” by Bernice Hogan, page 25
“French Outside” by Eleanore Welter, page 26
Editorial, page 27
“Little Children” by M. A. McCarthy, page 28
Campus Notes, page 29
Exchanges, page 31
Contributor’s Who’s Who, page 33
Alumnae, page 35
“For Irene” by Bernice Hogan, page 41
Comic Wave Lengths, page 42
1929 November
“For These” by Marjorie Staak, page 4
“Great Promise” by Sister Mariella, page 5
“Boy Friends” by Ruth Moran, page 9
“Like Ivy” by Sister Paschal, page 11
“Dreamwise” by Mary Catherine Pangborn, page 12
“By Rail” by Sister Paschal, page 13
“A Singing Vagabond” by Eleanore Welter, page 14
“The Way of It” by M. K. P., page 16
“On Having a Husband at Boarding School” by Ruth Moran, page 17
“Pharisees” by Ruth Moran, page 18
“Sticks” by Bernice Hogan, page 19
“Fall Winds” by Eleanore Welter, page 20
“Kept Silver” by Sister Paschal, page 20
“For Peace and Certitude” by Sister Mirella Burns, page 21
“House-Cleaning Heaven” by Rosemary Eylward, page 23
“Mother” by C. H. S., page 24
“Frost Fancy” by Mary Alice McCarthy, page 26
“A Word” by Sister Paschal, page 26
Editorial, page 27
Campus Notes, page 31
Exchanges, page 34
Alumnae, page 35
Contributor’s Who’s Who, page 40
Sense and Nonsense, page 41
1930 February
“Morendo” by Eleanore Welter, page 4
“What Price Helpers” by Sister Mariella, page 5
“This White Day” by Marjorie Staak, page 9
“Woofus” by Lilias H. Smith, page 10
“So Proud” by Eleanore Welter, page 11
“Laudie’s Boys” by Bernice Hogan, page 12
“Child, Prophet, Singer” by Ruth Moran, page 14
“Your Valentine” by Mary Alice McCarthy, page 16
“When I Came” by Mary Alice McCarthy, page 17
“Peter” by Ruth Moran, page 18
“Peace” by Lilias Smith, page 18
“Of Our Own Age—Conversation” by Sister Donalda, page 19
“My Mother” by Mary Johnson, page 21
By Their Similes You Shall Know Them, page 22
“Little Things” by Eleanore Welter, page 24
“How To Become Really Important—Reported by Marie Eckes,” page 25
“Blind” by Ruth Moran, page 26
“Jimmie” by Bernice Hogan, page 27
“Trust” by Mary Johnson, page 28
“Ice or Star” by Lilias Smith, page 28
“Blue and Gold” by Ruth Moran, page 29
“Kent” by Marie Billstein, page 32
Editorial, page 34
Campus Notes, page 36
Exchanges, page 37
By Phone—Alumnae, page 38
Contributor’s Who’s Who, page 43
Sense and Nonsense, page 44
1930 April
Frontispiece by Ellen Hall, page 4
For Constant Things, page 5
“Problems” by Genevieve Leuer, page 6
“Futility” by Lilias Smith, page 8
“Freed” by Mary Johnson, page 9
“Memory” by Bernice Hogan, page 10
“My Friends in Solitude” by Eleanore Welter, page 11
“Blue” by Laverne Meadows, page 12
“Meet Our Peking Students” by Ann Smith, page 13
“First I Met You” by Mary Johnson, page 15
“When We Jumped Rope” by Marjorie Staak, page 16
“On Gardens” by Sister Marcine, page 18
“Under Heaven’s Window Sill” by Mary Alice McCarthy, page 20
“A Book for Parents” by Ruth Moran, page 21
“Those Who Lose” by Eleanore Welter, page 22
“Punchinello” by Helen Jaszkowiak, page 23
“You Must Not Know” by Ruth Moran, page 23
“A Freckled Cupid” by Bernice Hogan, page 24
“Light Love” by Eleanore Welter, page 26
“Love Remembered” by Ruth Moran, page 26
“Subtle Gossipers” by La Verle Mulligan, page 27
“The Comfort of A Pencil in Hand” by Marie Billstein, page 28
“On Rural Route” by Mary Johnson, page 29
“Easter at Emmaus” by Ruth Moran, page 30
“Billy” by Edith Rutherford, page 32
Editorial, page 34
Campus Notes, page 37
Exchanges, page 41
Alumnae—By Phone, page 42
Contributor’s Who’s Who, page 46
Sense and Nonsense, page 48
1930 June
“Alma Mater—A Song For Her Daughters,” page 4
“The Mass—Christ’s Essay” by Sister Mirella Burns, page 5
“For Better Neighbors” by Mary Johnson, page 7
“Brave” by Sidonia Ruhland, page 8
“Somerset” by Pauline Parnell, page 9
“Mount Mary in June” by Sister Paschal, page 10
“Is Chaucer Naïve?” by Eleanore Welter, page 11
“When One Is Modern” by Ruth Moran, page 13
“Unless All” by S. M. G., page 14
“Robert Frost’s People” by Helen Jaszkowiak, page 15
Lost Key, page 16
“Bidding High” by Bernice Hogan, page 17
“Compensation” by Euphrosyne Gaida, page 19
Verse, page 20
Verse, page 21
“With The Vagabond Poets” by Genevieve Leuer, page 22
“My Gardens” by Catherine Cassanora, page 24
“Peter Pan At Boarding School” by Helen McMahon, page 25
“A Non-Searcher, After The Fountain of Eternal Youth” by Ann Smith, page 26
The Perfect Poet, page 27
“My Railroad” by Eleanore Welter, page 28
“Extra Time Please” by Marie Billstein, page 29
Editorial, page 30
Campus Notes, page 32
Alumnae, page 36
Sense and Nonsense, page 43
1930 November
“First Advent” by Ruth Moran, page 4
“Robinson’s Arthur” by Sister Assumpta, OSF, page 5
“Le Beau” by Ruth Moran, page 11
“Reality” by Sister Paschal, page 13
“Saturday’s Grocery” by Bernadette Albers, page 14
“Best Gift” by Ruth Moran, page 15
“Joanna Maintains Family Traditions” by Virginia Crever, page 16
“Dreams” by Catherine Cassanova, page 18
“Lost Library” by Mary Johnson, page 19
“Fall House” by Victoria Schroeder, page 20
“Without Recall” by Hazel Mortenson, page 21
“If You Had Stayed Away” by Eleanore Welter, page 22
“Outward Bound” by Sister Mariella, page 23
“Little Things To Love At Home” by Bernadette Albers, page 30
“Graceful Nobodies” by Kathleen McCann, page 31
Editorial, page 33
“Your Growing Up” by Mary Johnson, page 36
Campus Notes, page 37
Alumnae, page 40
Contributor’s Who’s Who, page 47
Sense and Nonsense, page 48
1931 April
“Overheard In A Garden” by Eleanore Welter, page 4
“The New Year With The Sisters In China” by Sister Mariella, page 5
“Psallite Sapienter” by Sister Moireen, page 11
“On A Park Bench” by Marie Billstein, page 12
“Spring” by Katherine Cassanova, page 13
“From Arden” by Marjorie Edberg, page 14
“Spring Promise” by Eleanore Welter, page 15
“If You Will Look” by Mary Johnson, page 15
“Satan” by Eleanore Welter, page 16
“On Little Gold Safety Pins” by Kathleen McCann, page 19
“Your Words” by Bernadette Albers, page 19
“Blue Monday” by Theocula Himsi, page 20
“Cloud Thought” by Lucile Malone, page 21
“Chines Psychology,” page 22
“A Country Road” by Victoria Schroeder, page 25
“At Your Door” by Bernadette Albers, page 25
“Sympathy For Mary” by Kathleen McCann, page 26
“Poses” by Margaret Hanratty, page 28
“A Silver Coat” by Bernadette Albers, page 29
Editorial, page 30
Campus Notes, page 31
Alumnae, page 34
Contributors’ Who’s Who, page 40
Sense and Nonsense, page 41
1931 June
“Cleopatra” by Sister Assumpta, OSB, page 5
“For Thomas” by Eleanore Welter, page 9
“Geraniums” by Margaret Hanratty, page 10
“At Thirteen” by Virginia Crever, page 11
“Broken Wings” by Bernadette Albers, page 12
“The Great King” by Mary Johnson, page 13
“These Are The Things” by Catherine Cassanova, page 15
“These Always Do I See” by Mary Johnson, page 15
“On Reading Priestly” by Eleanore Welter, page 16
“Writing For Publication” by Wynifred Kirwin, page 19
“The Trust I Have In You” by Kathleen McCann, page 20
“Into The Cotton Fields” by Elizabeth Gardien, page 21
“I Walk Alone” by Eleanore Welter, page 22
“Creative Power Of Youth” by Kathleen McCann, page 23
“From A Porch Step” by Theocula Himsl, page 26
“Growing Up” by Celeste Hanson, page 28
“Imagination—To Prevent Misunderstandings” by Victoria Schroeder, page 30
“Cyrano de Bergerac” by Alice McGinty, page 32
Editorial, page 34
Campus Notes, page 35
Alumnae, page 37
Contributors Who’s Who, page 47
Sense and Nonsense, page 48
1931 November
“At Benediction” by Bernadette Albers, page 4
“If Humanism Comes” by Sister Mariella, OSB, page 5
“On Being One’s Self” by Elizabeth Gardien, page 8
“Minnie’s Welcome” by Margaret Hanratty, page 9
“My Thanksgiving” by Eleanore Welter, page 10
“Mother” by Celeste Hanson, page 11
“So This Is London” by E. R. Noss, Ph. D., page 12
“Into The Future” by Theo Misl, page 15
“Night” by Kathleen Hyland, page 16
“Russia’ In Socratic Dialogue” by Marguerite M. Schaefer, page 17
“Rebellions” by Wynifred A. Kirwin, page 19
“Skyline” by Katherine Casanova, page 19
Bypaths From Shakespeare:
“Friendship” by Eleanore Welter, page 20
“Our Miss Chi Meets Shakespeare” by Florence Chih Ting Chi, page 21
“Why Blame Women” by Celeste Hanson, page 22
“Dawn” by Kathleen Hyland, page 23
“I Do Not Know” by Eleanore Welter, page 23
“My Stamp Babies” by Cecilia Fuchs, page 24
“The East Through Western Eyes” by Gertrude Schaefer, page 25
“God and Nature” by Leone Richter, page 27
“In a Window” by Kathleen Hyland, page 27
Editorial, page 28
Book Reviews, page 30
Exchanges, page 32
Campus Notes, page 33
Alumnae, page 37
Contributors Who’s Who, page 45
Sense and Nonsense, page 47
1932 November
Frontispiece, page 2
“Sense or Nonsense” by Sister Mariella, page 3
“From An Eternity Chair” by Theo Himsl, page 7
“Havoc” by Bernice Hogan, page 9
“Utopia In School” by Victoria Schroeder, page 10
“The Pedantic Aquarium” by Kathryn Burns, page 11
“Only Yesterday” by Jean Roherty, page 12
“Romance and Roommates” by Celeste Hanson, page 13
“Collegiate Dogs” by Alice Niehaus, page 15
“Last Year’s Graduate at Fall” by Virginia C. Crever, page 16
“From My Studio Window” by C. G., page 17
“A Word” by Victoria Schroeder, page 17
“Thomas Gray—A Critical Study” by Virginia C. Crever, page 18
“Trees at Fall” by Margaret Finnelly, page 20
“Evening Prayers” by Deborah Kilmer, page 21
“These Days” by Eleanore Welter, page 21
“Now and at the Hour of Our Death” by C. G., page 22
“Yesterday and Today” by Katherine Casanova, page 22
“The Blue Check” by Arlene Wagner, page 23
“My Topic” by Kathleen Hyland, page 25
“In Passing” by Virginia Kann, page 25
Editorial, page 26
Book Reviews, page 28
Campus Notes, page 30
Alumnae, page 33
Contributor’s Who’s Who, page 40
Sense and Nonsense, page 41
1933 February
Frontis-piece, page 2
“The Oxford Movement” by Virginia Kann, page 3
“A Valentine to Mary” by Victoria Schroeder, page 7
“C.O.D.” by Katherine Casanova, page 8
“The Inebriate” by Virginia Crever, page 9
“White Day” by Kathleen Hyland, page 9
“Collegians, Then and Now” by Dorothy Bohlig, page 10
“Dreams” by Deborah Kilmer, page 11
“Father Damien, Great Social Worker” by Alice Niehaus, page 12
“Incidentally Uninterested” by Jean Roherty, page 13
“A Modern Psychology for Public Speaking” by Virginia C. Crever, page 16
“Café de la Nut” by Jean Roherty, page 17
“A New Criterion of Intelligence” by Victoria Schroeder, page 18
“It Rest With You” by Virginia Crever, page 18
“Cavilling” by Theocula Himsl, page 19
“Scott, The Hero” by Victoria Schroeder, page 21
“Mysticism—What Is It” by Florence O’Brien, page 22
“Beginnings of the Catholic Women’s College in Peking, China,” page 23
“Big Traffic Problem Solved” by Virginia Crever, page 24
“Vacant Rooms in the Mind” by Margaret Smith, page 25
“The Weather and I” by Albina Kaluza, page 26
“The Bottom of a Lighthouse Is Very Dark” by Mary Siebels, page 26
Editorials, page 27
Book Reviews, page 29
Exchanges, page 30
Campus Notes, page 31
Alumnae, page 34
Contributors’ Who’s Who, page 40
Sense and Nonsense, page 41
Our Advertisers, page 42-48
1933 April
Sketch of Cardinal Newman, page 4
“Newman in the Oxford Movement” by Cecile McLaughlin, page 5
“The Easter Lily” by Celeste Hanson, page 8
“The Evolution of Bulletin Boards at St. Benedicts’” by Victoria Schroeder, page 9
“On a Hippogriff” by Deborah Kilmer, page 10
“Wordsworth’s Guide to Criticism” by Florence M. Foster, Ph.D., page 11
“A Laddie Needs a ‘Fadder’” by Virginia Crever, page 14
“Silence” by Mary McGerty, page 17
“Are We Conscious of Our Past” by Celeste Hanson, page 18
Out of the Mouths of Freshmen:
“Marks of an Educated Woman” by Margaret Smith, page 20
“Effects of Marble Season” by Mona Breakse, page 21
“Sixteenth Century Frivolities in Dress” by Madeline Ohman, page 21
“Monkey View Thyself” by Margaret Finnelly, page 23
“The Crucifixion” by Victoria Schroeder, page 23
“A Case of Pride and Prejudice” by Kathleen Hyland, page 24
“Change” by Victoria Schroeder, page 25
“Sara Teasdale” by Virginia Kann, page 26
“Spring Night” by Katherine Casanova, page 26
“In Memorium” by Margaret Heinen, page 27
“Understanding” by Jean Roherty, page 27
“Blue” by Catherine Casanova, page 27
“Unbound Art” by Theo. Himsl, page 28
“Micky” by Deborah Kilmer, page 29
“These Three” by Wivina Kuefler, page 29
Editorials, page 30
Book Reviews, page 31
Exchanges, page 33
Campus Notes, page 34
Alumnae, page 38
Contributors’ Who’s Who, page 41
Sense and Nonsense, page 41
Our Advertisers, page 43-48
1933 November
“The Renaissance, A Survey” by Sister Meinrad, M.A., page 3
“World Wanderer” by Margaret Straus, page 7
“The Sorrowful Queen” by Virginia C. Crever, page 8
“Beauty” by Bernadette Kyle, page 10
“Mary Ellen Chase” by Kathryn Welter, page 11
“Shall We Give Them Degrees?” by Genevieve Griffin, page 12
“The Pie-Line” by La Vina Schwinghammer, page 13
“Wanted A Personality” by Kathleen Hyland, page 14
“The Secret of My Stars” by Margaret Straus, page 16
“Why Skeptics Exist” by Mary Ellen Kelley, page 17
“Redemption” by Kathryn Welter, page 18
“Flexible” by Victoria Schroeder, page 18
“Oh, For A Red Geranium” by Kathryn Welter, page 19
“Desert Day” by June Anderson, page 19
“Hours Off” by Victoria Schroeder, page 20
“My Prayer” by Virginia C. Crever, page 21
“Tea Time Mood” by Jean Roherty, page 21
“God’s Purpose” by Victoria Schroeder, page 21
“November Nocturne” by Neva Donaldson, page 22
“Atmosphere” by Kathleen Hyland, page 22
“Crisis” by Virginia C. Crever, page 22
Editorial, page 23
Exchanges, page 25
Book Reviews, page 25
Campus Notes, page 28
Alumnae, page 32
Contributors’ Who’s Who, page 37
Sense and Nonsense, page 38
1934 February
“A Heart for the Virgin” by Jean Roherty, page 2
“I’d Love to, But” by Victoria Schroeder, page 3
“Facts and Frolics of Fairyland” by Hazel Huber, page 7
“The ‘Ethics’ of Lying” by Lucille Malone, page 10
“Beacon” by Neva Donaldson, page 11
“John Gay’s Trivia” by Virginia Rosenberger, page 12
“The Passing” by Dorothy Schneider, page 14
“February Thaw” by Evelyn Murdock, page 14
“Lew Sarett Looks at Life” by Kathleen Hyland, page 15
“The Spider Web of Life” by Audrey Townsend, page 16
“God’s Gifts” by Eileen Murray, page 16
“Ginger and Red Pepper” by Kathryn Welter, page 17
“Friends of Shakespearean Girls” by Jean Roherty, page 20
Garnered From Freshmen:
“A Pair of Blue Eyes” by Rose Mary Mortenson, page 22
“A Backyard Squabble” by Margaret Bretnor, page 22
“Theme Songs” by Bernadine Gallagher, page 23
“Waiting on The Lord” by Fern Esher, page 23
“Gaudete” by Neva Donaldson, page 24
“Experience” by Virginia Crever, page 24
Editorial, page 25
Book Reviews, page 27
Campus Notes, page 30
Alumnae, page 34
Contributor’s Who’s Who, page 38
Sense and Nonsense, page 39
1936 Fall
“The Student” by Dorothy Gillespie, page 2
“An Economic Sunrise” by Cecilia Brandl, page 3
“Shackles” by Virginia Fox, page 5
“Medley” by Cecilia Brandl, page 5
“By Habit Clever” by Jeanne DuCharme, page 6
“Three Faces” by Virginia Fox, page 9
“Physical Dreaducation” by Loretta Schatz, page 10
“Nothing But Love” by Helen Hetherington, page 11
“The Bad Bold Victorian Woman” by Kathryn Welter, page 12
“In A Shoe Store” by Loretta Schatz, page 15
“Where Spirits Reign” by Sister Donalda, page 16
“Two Blue Plates” by Kathryn Welter, 20
Editorials, page 22
Book Chat, page 26
Exchanges, page 29
Advertisers, page 30
1937 June
“The Catholic Novel” by Cecilia Brandl, page 3
“Apples for Comfort” by Helen Hetherington, page 6
“Although You Sleep” by Jeanne Du Charme, page 8
“Shopping Sense” by Loretta Schatz, page 9
“In Faith” by Cecilia Brandl, page 10
“Those Who Belong” by Kathryn Welter, page 11
“All That Glitters” by Jeanne Du Charme, page 14
“Gone With The Draft” by Cecilia Brandl, page 17
“College for the Socially Inept” by Jeanne Du Charme and Cecilia Brandl, page 18
“Youth Looks at Communism” by Kathryn Welter, page 20
Golden Jubilee, page 24
Editorial, page 25
Mags’ Mention, page 27
Exchanges, page 29
1940 Fall
“Apple Picking” by Irene Zirbes, page 2
“A Puritan on Pain” by Imelda Schuster, page 3
“The Dance” by Leone Rosette, page 6
“Dither over Dennison” by Mary Louise Reilly, page 8
“The Granger Way” by Mary Jane Loso, page 10
“This Thing I Know” by Elise Tahnk, page 12
“One Black Sheep” by Lois Malloy, page 13
“Never the Same Again” by June Beatty, page 16
“From a Minnesota Farm” by Elizabeth Shultz, page 18
“Not On Big Things” by Mary Louise Mitchell, page 20
“Martha Decides” by Rosemary Rajkowski, page 22
“Rain” by Phyllis Scott, page 25
“The Door Is Open,” page 26
“For Winter Nights,” page 27
“Cream of the Crop,” page 29
1941 Fall
“The Liturgy” by Helen Gillespie, page 2
“If This Be Personality” by Lois Malloy, page 3
“Arrows Against Parents” by Rosemary Rajkowski, page 6
“The Hankie and the Sins” by Bernadette Loosbroek, page 9
“Candles That Burn” by Genevieve Powers and Mary Thomes, page 13
“Patonic Philosophy” by Genevieve Powers, page 16
“I Came To Mock” by Nordica Bjornson, page 20
“A Cautionary Tale” by Dorothy Peffer, page 22
“In The Breaking of the Bread” by Irene Staniszewski, page 23
From The Editor’s Desk, page 26
Book Chat, page 28
“Moth Proof From Germany” by Alice Ann Kovarik, page 30
1941 Winter
“Dante,” a Linoleum cut by Irene Zirbes, page 2
“Dante is Knowable” by Catherine Pribyl, page 3
“Faith” by Genevieve Powers, page 5
“Nothing Less Than All” by Lois Malloy, page 8
“March Mood” by Mary Ann Dawson, page 11
“We Cook to Conquer” by Rosemary Rajkowski, page 12
“The Flambeau” by Betty Boulger, page 14
“Early to Rise” by Leone Rosette, page 17
“Hell up to Date,” page 18
“Wherefore April” by Mary Louise Mitchell, page 20
“Sequel” by Catherine Pribyl, page 21
“Now You May Have Some Pie” by Genevieve Powers, page 22
“Imitation Intentional,” page 25
“Spring Reading,” page 26
“From Minnesota” by Dorothy Peffer, page 28
1942 March
“The Vine” a poem by Lois Malloy, page 2
Linoleum Cut by Joy McCoy, page 2
“Peace,” page 3
“Bugle for the Major” by Lois Malloy, page 4
“Nuns in Recent Fiction” by Elizabeth Schultz, page 7
“Gossip,” a poem by Bernadette Loosbroek, page 9
“Third Meat Charge” by Rosemary Rajkowski, page 11
“Explanation from an underpaid Teacher,” a poem by Catherine Pribyl, page 13
“Between Two Millstones” by Angeline Kraft, page 14
“A Communion,” a poem by Rosemary Rajkowski, page 15
“Shades of Peter Pan” by Betty Wahl, page 16
“The College Contributes to Defense” by Lois Malloy, page 18
“Book Chat” by Betty Wahl, Frances Schwartz, Edith Lagunado, and Genevieve Powers, page 20
“Henry Was a Cheap Skate” by Bernadette Loosbroek, page 22
“Peanuts on the Graves” by Sister Hugo, OSB, page 25
“One in Every Pocket” by Genevieve Powers, page 27
“Sister Pet” by Dorothy Peffer, page 29
1942 Fall
“Baptism” by Helen Gillespie, page 2
“Baptism” by Jeanette Thielman, page 3
“Great Modern Catholic Short Stories” by Sister Mariella Gable, OSB, page 4
“Reenactment” by Mary Jo Bauer, page 6
“Homely Little Mouse” by Genevieve Powers, page 7
“Sparks Among the Reeds,” page 10
“Peace on Earth” by Mary Thomas, page 11
“Morale-Buster” by Alta Marie Bechtold, page 13
“England’s Prayer,” page 15
“Crumbs From Bread Loaf” by Bernadette Loosbroek, page 16
“Apron Strings” by Dorothy Lippert, page 17
“Fall Housecleaning for Victory” by Lois Malloy, page 18
“Antiphons at Lauds for Christmas,” page 18
“Emily Post to the Contrary Notwithstanding” by Betty Wahl, page 20
“I Like It Here” by Mary Jo Bauer, page 21
“The Surprise” by Elizabeth Schultz, page 22
“Lament of a Lover Ten Years Old” by Bernadette Loosbroek, page 24
“Heaven Is My Destination” by Lois Malloy, page 25
“A Young Metaphysician’s Sonnet” by Genevieve Powers, page 26
“A Star Is Reborn” by Betty Wahl, page 27
“The Chair By the Window” by Bernadette Loosbroek, Jeanette Thielman, Genevieve Powers, Ruth Franks, and Harriet Hunstiger, page 28
Sister Laurent, OSB, page 28
1943 Spring
“The Benedictines” by Helen Gillespie, page 2
“After Fourteen Hundred Years” by Lois Malloy, page 3
“Explanation of Frontispiece,” page 5
“Spring is Over the Hill” by Catherine Pribyl, page 6
“The Bigger They Come” by Elizabeth Schultz, page 9
“My Son David” by Lois LeVasseur, page 11
“High Hat” by Genevieve Powers, page 13
“Exaudi Me Domine,” a poem by Clara Anne Donlin, page 16
“The Limerick Line” by Alta Marie Bechtold, page 17
“Students: About Face” by Lois Malloy, page 18
“The Mass,” a poem by Lois Malloy, page 19
“Daddy Was an Immigrant” by Betty Wahl, page 20
“Pint-Sized Commando” by Alta Marie Bechtold, page 22
“It Isn’t Funny” by Bernadette Loosbroek, page 23
“The Common Heart” by Irene Stanizewski, page 25
“My Father Takes Us to the Circus” by Elizabeth Schultz, page 27
Book Reviews by Mary Thomas, Evelyn Schmidt, and Clara Anne Donlin, page 29
1943 Fall
Frontispiece by Dorothy Lippert, page 2
“Miracle” by Elizabeth Schultz, page 3
“Antipodal,” a poem by Sister Berchmans, OSB, page 6
“The Hand That Lit the Match” by Elizabeth Anne Reiten, page 7
“Beggar,” a poem by Elizabeth Anne Reiten, page 9
“Remark,” a poem by Yvonne Hoeschen, page 9
“Devil in the Grease” by Betty Wahl, page 10
“They Also Serve” by Sister Berchmans, OSB, page 12
“For One Dead,” a poem by Sister Berchmans, OSB, page 13
“Incident in Arizona” by Patricia Kidwell, page 14
“Let’s Not Speak of It” by Mary Thomes, page 15
“Oil For the Lamp of Prayer” by Mary Thomes, page 18
“Nothing Ever Happens To Me” by Ann Ziegler, page 20
“Behind the Counter” by Lorraine Pasch, page 21
“Web,” a poem by Mary Thomes, page 22
“We Like People” by Elizabeth Anne Reiten, page 23
“Uncovered,” a poem by Loretta Matchinsky, page 24
Book Reviews by Ann Ziegler, Elizabeth Anne Reiten, Lois Le Vasseur, Rosamond Hardwig, and Virginia Roth, page 25
“On Me Writing Poetry, Especially After Reading Something Good” a poem by Betty Wahl, page 29
1943 Winter
“Penance” by Helen Gillespie, page 2
“To My Brother, Who is Seven” by Bernadette Loosbroek, page 3
“Sugar and Spice and Everything Nice” by Bernadette Loosbroek, page 4
Cut by Dorothy Lippert
“One Travels Alone,” a poem by Loretta Matchinsky, page 8
“You and the Index” by Elizabeth Schultz, page 9
Cut by Alta Marie Bechtold
“Good Friday Fool” by Lois Malloy, page 13
Cut by Alta Marie Bechtold
“She Was Luxembourg, Of Course” by Mary Thomes, page 16
“My Patron,” a poem by Lois Malloy, page Sister Andre, OSB, page 17
“We Shall Love or We Shall Fail” by Lois Malloy, page 18
“My Prayer,” a poem by Lois Malloy, page 20
“Even in Fun” by Leona Rosette, page 21
Cut by Helen Gillespie
“Present For Tony” by Mary Jo Bauer, page 23
Cut by Dorothy Lippert
“I Go to College” by Bronislava Novogrodzka
“The Judgment of the Nations” by Irene Staniszewski, page 28
“More Book Chat” by Anne Zwisler and Jeanette Thielman, page 29
“Magazine Mirror” by Loretta Matchinsky, page 30
1944 Spring
Frontispiece by Dorothy Lippert, page 2
From a sketch by Hans Herzog
“Charm” by Mrs. Emerson Hynes, page 3
“Two Pigs and a Parish” by Betty Wahl, page 7
“These Gentle Communists” by Mary Thomes, page 11
“The Phoebe Said,” a poem by Elizabeth Anne Reiten, page 14
“This Is William Saroyan” by Loretta Matchinksy, page 15
“By Sound and Silence,” a poem by Mary Thomes, page 17
“Those Who Love,” a poem by Virginia Roth, page 18
Letters to the Editor, page 20
“With A Mouthful of Pins” by Rosamond Hardwig, page 22
“Private Rodeo” by Mary Heaton, page 24
“A Genuine End,” a poem by Betty Wahl, page 25
Book Reviews by Mary Thomes, Evelyn Schmidt, and Ann Ziegler, page 27
About Ourselves, page 29
1944 Fall
Frontispiece (suggested by a symbol by Sister Justine) by Ruth Nierengarten, page 2
“I Discover Catholic Education in a Secular University” by Betty Wahl, page 3
“Oblation,” a poem by Mary Martin, page 6
“The Fourth Name” by Mary Martin, page 7
“Propinquity: A Warning” by SLW, page 10
“Our Men Like Us Good” by Mary Heaton, page 11
“White Roses on Her Brow” by Mary Louise Mamer, page 13
“Interval—For A Soldier,” a poem by SLW, page 15
“The Cookie Cutter,” a poem by Betty Wahl, page 17
“Four Candles and a Light,” an editorial by Elizabeth Reiten, page 18
“In Praise of Big Kitchens” by Dorothy Dirkswager, page 20
“Train-Time 1944,” a poem by SLW, page 21
“Night To Remember” by Margaret Halloran, page 22
“The Psalm of a Scientist,” a poem by Ann Ziegler, page 24
“Good Bread” by Marjorie Kremer, page 25
Book Reviews by Vivian Zimmerman, Betty Wahl, Evelyn Schmidt, and Lois LeVasseur, page 29
1944 Winter
“Bright Arrow Lost,” a poem by Loretta Matchinsky
“In Memoriam” by Elizabeth Anne Reiten, page 3
“With Crooked Lines” by Ann Ziegler, page 5
“Sister Vivia,” page 7
“Le Beau Francais” by Betty Wahl, page 8
“August Derleth, Wizard of Wisconsin” by Loretta Matchinksy, page 11
“Water Song,” a poem by Mary Thomes, page 13
“I Have A Wooden Leg” by Rose Marie McGuire, page 14
“Desert Glory,” a poem by Elizabeth Anne Reiten, page 15
“Kilfenora” by Elizabeth Anne Reiten, page 16
“Pearl Courts Grandfather” by Lois LeVasseur, page 19
“Fiction in Catholic Magazines” by Mary Thomes, page 20
“Novice In the Cellar” by Sister Berchmans, OSB, page 22
“Disillusioned,” a poem by Alta Marie Bechtold, page 24
“Branding on the X H Ranch” by Mary Heaton, page 25
“With the Ladies of the Grail” by Virginia Roth, page 28
“Sidney Foster” by Mary Louise Vertin, page 30
“For Your Bookshelf” by Elizabeth Anne Reiten, Mary Anne Dawson, and Lois LeVasseur, page 31
1945 Spring
“Dante,” a Linoleum cut by Irene Zirbes, page 2
“Dante Loves Beatrice” by Betty Wahl, page 3
“Smoke,” a poem by Elizabeth Anne Reiten, page 5
“In a Japanese Prison Camp” by Mary Heaton, page 7
“Was It A Star,” a poem by Elizabeth Anne Reiten, page 10
“Farewell Manila” by Mary Louise Mamer, page 11
“A Month of Sundays,” a poem by Betty Wahl, page 13
“Who Is Father Gardiner” by Marjorie Kremer, page 14
“Doggerel,” a poem by Betty Wahl, page 15
“The Queen Does Not Weep,” a poem on page 17
“The Man Who Eats Onions,” a poem by S. B. Schulte, page 18
“Florence” by Margaret Halloran, page 20
“The Way We Dream” by Evelyn Schmidt, page 22
“A Catholic College Day” by Mary Martin, page 23
“Catholic Books” by Teresa Blatz, page 26
Book Reviews by Betty Wahl, Elizabeth Freeman, Evelyn Schmidt, and Dorothy Kohler, page 28
1945 Fall
“Cardinal Newman,” a Linoleum cut by Virginia Rosenberger, page 2
“Through Holiness To Light” by Virginia Ziebol, page 3
“Sermon in Advent,” a poem by Phylis Geering, page 5
“Habit of Darkness” by Mary Louise Mamer, page 7
“Advent Wreath” by Mary Jean Pluth, page 10
“Three Novelists From Catholic Colleges” by Marjorie Kremer, page 11
“Early Smoke” by Mary Heaton, page 13
“Grass for Janie” by Elizabeth Freeman, page 15
“A New Book” by Shirley Sholz, page 17
The Editors Discuss, page 18
“Letter To My Unborn Children” by Rosemary Boyle, page 20
“Shadow and Angel,” a poem by Isabelle Bunkers, page 22
“David” a poem by Patricia Rose Reiten, page 22
“Walk In Autumn,” a poem by Vivian Zimmerman, page 23
“The Very Old,” a poem by Anna Lou Ellenbecker, page 23
“Benedictine,” a poem by Joyce Williams, page 23
“Unfinished Business” by Mary Lou Krava, page 24
“A Freshman Tells Grandma” by Audrey Mettel, page 25
Book Reviews by Mary Jean Pluth, Anna Lou Ellenbecker, Vivian Zimmerman, and Phyllis Geering, page 26
1945 Winter
Frontispiece by Helen Gillespie, page 2
From the Abbaye de Maredret, Belgium
“Ever Since Eve Ate the Snake” by Betty Wahl, page 3
“No Distraction,” a poem by Anne Ziegler, page 5
“Bitter Water and Sweet” by Lois Malloy, page 6
“My Father and Eric Gill” by Mary Martin, page 10
“God Dusts,” a poem by Mary Jean Pluth, page 12
“My Brother Is An Army Chaplain” by Teresa Blatz, page 13
“Conceit For March,” a poem by Elizabeth Freeman, page 15
“On Being A Fool” by Marjorie Kremer, page 16
“A Truck At Night,” a poem by Elizabeth Anne Reiten, page 17
“Small Potatoes In America” by Elizabeth Anne Reiten, page 18
“Letter In The Night” by Mary Louise Mamer, page 20
“Incident In A Bus” by Dorothy Dirkswager, page 24
“First Date” by Vivian Zimmerman, page 26
Book Reviews by Elizabeth Freeman, Marjorie Kremer, Evelyn Schmidt, and Bernice Novogrodzka, page 28
1946 Spring
“Twenty Years With Caedmon” by Teresa Blatz, page 3
“Conscience Objects,” a poem by Phylis Geering, page 5
“Her Father’s First Date” by Patricia Mayer, page 8
“L’eleve, Feminin,” a poem by Patricia Gits, page 11
“Should the Novel Have a Lift” by Vivan Zimmerman, page 13
“To the River,” a poem by Vivian Zimmerman, page 15
“Rufus” by Marjorie Kremer, page 17
“Purgatory Up to Date: The Gripers” by Mary Catherine Reiten, page 20
“By Canoe” by Mary Jo Bauer, page 22
“Onset of Spring,” a poem by Mary Jean Pluth, page 27
“My Crowning Glory” by Gertrude Swentik, page 28
“To Be One With You” by Patricia Rose Reiten, page 30
“Book Review: Brother Ass” by Phylis Geering, page 31
“Book Review: Lovely Is the Lee” by Mary Catherine Reiten, page 32
“Book Review: The Power and the Glory” by Marjorie Kremer, page 33
“Book Review: Behold Your King” by Virginia Ziebol, page 33
1946 Winter
Frontispiece—St. Germaine of the Wolf Country by Lauren Ford, page 2
“The Art of Lauren Ford” by Anne Lou Ellenbecker, page 3
“The Moon,” a poem by Rosemary Boyle, page 7
“Marcia Meets a Sinner” by Audrey Mettel, page 8
“Fog,” a poem by Marjorie Kremer, page 11
“Two Books and Therese Mueller” by Phylis Geering, page 13
“Prayer in Lent,” a poem by Mary Jean Pluth, page 14
“Fan Sport” by Patricia Wahl, page 17
“By the Light of the Editor’s Lamp” by Vivian Zimmerman, Marjorie Kremer, and Virginia Ziebol, page 18
“Hidden in Their Bodies” by Margaret Halloran, page 20
“Rubicon,” a poem by Phylis Geering, page 21
“Rings on Their Fingers” by Teresa Blatz, page 22
“Night Prayer,” a poem by Margaret Burns, page 24
“On Wearing Braces” by Elizabeth Freeman, page 25
“Morning in Lent,” a poem by Vivian Zimmerman, page 26
Books Reviews by Teresa Blatz, Mary Jean Pluth, Elizabeth Freeman, and Virginia Ziebol, page 27
1948 Winter
“Commencement For Freshmen” by Vivian Zimmerman, page 3
“This Time, Love,” a poem by Rosemary Boyle, page 7
“The Novice” by Sister Judith, OSB, page 8
“Hushed Threshold,” a poem by Rosemary Boyle, page 10
“The St. Gregory Center” by Lois Schumacher, page 11
“For Kenny,” a poem by Donna Merrigan, page 13
“Immunity,” a poem by Donna Merrigan, page 15
“The Run-Away” by Patricia Gits, page 16
“Secularism in Cliques: A Home Remedy” by Patricia Gits, page 18
“Benny by Proxy,” page 18
“New Catholic Magazine: Renascence” by Vivian Zimmerman, page 19
“To See Ourselves” by Jeanne Chiu, page 20
“Imperfect Contrition,” a poem by Vivian Zimmerman, page 22
“Black Ball” by Donna Merrigan, page 24
“Book Review: The Seven Storey Mountain” by Mary McErlane, page 27
“Book Review: The Church Today: Growth or Decline?” by Merle Nolde, page 28
“Book Review: The Mass in Slow Motion” by Vivian Murphy, page 28
“Book Review: Civilization on Trial” by Joan Fluegel, page 29
1956 Summer
“Raising Children to God” by Patricia Gitz Opatz, page 3
“Forsaken Mermaid” by Betty Sullivan, page 10
“Lilac Laughter,” a poem by Angeline Dufner, page 11
“Christ In Our Families—The Christian Family Movement” by Mary McCullough, page 12
“The Pogo Show” by Jeanne O’Fallon, page 15
“New Recipes” by Angeline Dufner, page 17
“Rivals Reconciled” by Patricia Chance, page 21
“Summer Schooled,” a poem by Barbara Matczynski, page 24
Book Review: All Manner of Men by Philippa Gleason, page 24
Book Review: Marjorie Morningstar by Patricia Change, page 26
Book Review: An Episode of Sparrows by Betty Stoltz, page 26
Book Review: The Virtue of Love by Marlene Bondy, page 26
Book Review: Ambassador Extraordinary by Mary Mathew, page 27
“Ink Bottles and Erasers” an editorial by Angeline Dufner, page 28
Music Review: Carousel by Carol Werner and Joann Klein, page 29
1957 June
“Key to the Treasure,” an editorial by Angeline Dufner ’57, page 2
“Benedictines and Education” by Dom Columba Cary-Elwes, OSB, page 4
“Beginnings,” a poem by Kathleen Collopy ’59, page 12
“A Finishing School of the 1880’s” by Sister Grace, OSB, page 15
“The Benedictine Teacher” by Sister Margretta, OSB, page 20
“Compline in English” by Sister Remberta, OSB, page 22
“The Pageant” by Angeline Dufner ’57, page 25
“The Maurist Scholars” by Mary Leahy ’56, page 51
“Student Barometer” by Jeanne O’Fallon ’57, page 59
“Three Characteristics of Benedictine Education” by Father Walter Reger, OSB, page 62
“The Carryover: Benedictine Education in the Home” by Patricia Gitz Opatz ’49, page 64
Book Review: Worship and Work by Mary Manderfeld ’58 and Mary Alice Zimmerman ’58, page 71
Book Review: In a Great Tradition by Victoria Helwig ’58, page 73
Book Review: Little Saint Placid by Nancy Hynes, page 74
1962 Spring
Frontispiece by Lorae Schmidtbauer, page 4
“College Scene” by Margaret Faulkner, page 5
“Synthetics,” a poem by Susan Schoenbauer, page 8
“Rapture of Rock and Roll” by Mona Boggie, page 9
“City Lights,” a poem by Ruth Ann Frie, page 10
Sonnet by Sister Galen, OSB, page 11
“Spring Panorama” by Rosemary Salaba, page 12
“The Plan,” a poem by Kristin Lundheim, page 13
“Majesty and Symbol” by Kathy Wild, page 14
“Quiet Splendor,” a poem by Sister Helaine, OSB, page 15
“Jungle Madness” by Kristin Lundheim, page 16
Linoleum cut by Ramona Radermacher, page 17
“Strange Things,” an editorial by Marion Egerman, page 18
“Can You Beat a Retreat” by Marion Egerman, page 20
Haiku by Joanne Jedlicki, page 21
“Tale of a Tail” by Mary Kane, page 22
“College For Carol” by Carol Anne Landkamer, page 24
“An Aristotelian Rat,” a poem by Grace Powers, page 25
Drawing by Mary Ann Bauer, page 25
“The Tyrone Guthrie Repertory Theater” by Janice Kulzer, page 26
Book Review: Makers of the Modern Theater by Virginia Derus, page 28
Book Review: Epitaph for George Dillon by Sister Aidan, OSB, page 29
Book Review: Sir Roger de Coverly Papers by Mary Kane, page 30
Book Review: Till We Have Faces by Katherine Hayes, page 31
1962 Summer
Frontispiece by Lorae Schmidtbauer, page 4
“The Stagnant Battle” by Kathleen Gnifkowski, page 5
“Amedeo Modigliani,” a poem by Judith Teufert, page 8
“Departure” by Mary Kaye Winkle, page 9
“Summer Soliloquy” by Mary Jo Flynn, page 10
Linoleum cut by Constance Nelson, page 11
“Potent Depths,” a poem by Sister Cecily, OSB, page 12
“Evening Reflections,” a poem by Sister Ruth, OSB, page 13
“How Not to Direct A Play” by Joanne Jedlicki, page 14
“The Intruder,” a poem by Sharon Otten, page 16
Ink Sketch by Molli Mulheran, page 16
“Ice Cream or the News,” an editorial by Marion Egerman, page 17
“After the ‘King,’” an editorial by Mary Kane, page 18
“New Horizons,” an editorial by Rita Daniels, page 19
“After MIDSUMMER,” a poem by Sister Galen, OSB, page 20
“The Valiant Woman” by Margaret Faulkner, page 21
“Love’s Attainment,” a poem by Catherine Rewitzer, page 23
“The Odyssey, Book XII” by Carol Hughes, page 24
Linoleum cut by Kay Kruger, page 25
“Unity in Variety” by Patricia Hiemenz, page 26
“My Rain,” a poem by Susan Scheonbauer, page 27
Book Review: Andersonville by Joanne Jedlicki, page 28
Book Review: Nectar in a Sieve by Carol Goellen, page 29
Book Review: With Eyes at the Back of Our Heads by Sister Galen, OSB, page 29
Record Review: Terribly Sophisticated Songs by Marion Egerman, page 30
Record Review: Music of the World’s Great Comoposers by Joyce Mehr, page 31
1963 Spring
“He Was Good to Neighbors: Memorial to a Brother” by Sister Justin, OSB, and Mary Kane, page 4
Illustration by Mary Ellen Burrock, page 4
“Just After the Rain” by Jodeen Dirkers, page 6
“Burnt Toast” by Susan Schoenbauer, page 7
“Success in Suede” by Sister Justin, OSB, page 8
“Music of Our Time” by Martha Otto, page 9
“Sonnet of a Student Teacher” by Grace Powers, page 12
“Tough Life” by Judith Wyngarden, page 13
“And Then There Were Tears” by Joanne Meyer, page 14
“Fall Night” by Jane Kelly, page 16
“War” by Monica Murphy, page 17
“The Waterfront” by Judith Teufert, page 18
“The Wait” by Susan Fitzpatrick, page 20
“The Man” by Carol Hughs, page 21
“In-Law Trouble” by Anne Louise Schommer, page 22
“Frost Fever” by Sister Justin, OSB, page 24
“…But Beautiful” by Sister Justin, OSB, page 25
“Worrying” by Diane Reisdorfer, page 26
“A Response to Reason” by Mary Kane, page 27
“The Sapling” by Jeanne Faulkner, page 28
Record Review: Shakespeare’s Ages of Man by Susan Schoenbauer, page 29
Book Review: The Judgment of the Sea by Mary Kane, page 30
Book Review: The Spoil of the Flowers by Mary Lou Zylla, page 31
1963 Winter
Wood Block Print by Mary Ann Bauer, page 4
“Biblical Characterization in Billy Budd” by Katherine Hayes, page 6
“Temptation” by Cecelia Giesen, page 8
Illustration by Constance Nelson, page 8
“Something Old” by Mary Jo Flynn, page 9
“Discovery” by Barbara Recame, page 13
“Falltime” by Jodeen Dirkers, page 15
“Abstract Art: Primitive or Modern?” by Monica Murphy, page 16
Illustration by Monica Murphy, page 17
Three Poems:
“My World” by Carol Hughes, page 18
“Nothing Exists” by Carol Hughes, page 18
“A Mickeymouse Life” by Carol Hughes, page 19
“Something There Was” by Jodeen Dirkers, page 20
“Grey Day” by Susan Schoenbauer, page 22
“The Train” by Mary Elizabeth Benda, page 23
Illustration by Judith Teufert, page 23
Illustration by Susan Fitzpatrick, page 24
“Wounds” by Jeanette Blonigen, page 25
“Commitment with Purpose” by Mary Kane, page 28
Book Review: The Prime of Miss Jean Brodie by Judith Wyngarden, page 29
Book Review: Morte D’Urban by Carol Kron, page 30
Book Review: Profiles of African Leaders by Katherine Hayes, page 30
Book Review: Ship of Fools by Barbara Recame, page 31
1964 Spring
“Still Scene Stealer,” a poem by Sister Galen, OSB, page 4
Linoleum cut by Carol Karn, page 4
“Midsummer Laughter” by Mary Jo Flynn, page 5
“’Confidant’” by Stephanie Sauer, page 8
“Carnival Time,” a poem by Carol Hughes, page 9
Linoleum cut by Carol Karn, page 9
“The Last of the Brannigans” by Ann Patterson, page 10
“Moon-Cloud,” a poem by Sheila Hogan, page 11
“Joy to You,” an editorial by Mary Jo Flynn, page 12
“Alone,” a poem by Kathleen Barrett, page 13
“Loneliness,” a poem Joan Eberhard, page 13
“Incontro a Milano” by Judith Kaczmarek, page 14
“The Physiologist” by Mary Breiter, page 16
“Thanks, Monster” by Mary Jo Flynn, page 16
“Monologue” by Carol Hughes, page 17
“One-Ring Circus,” a poem by Kathleen Barrett, page 18
“Whys,” a poem by Carol Hughes, page 19
“One Trial, No Errors” by Carol Landkamer, page 20
“April Snow,” a poem by Sister Galen, OSB, page 22
The First Nameday:
“Ostrich,” a poem by Sister Justin, OSB, page 24
“Dinosaur,” a poem by Sister Galen, OSB, page 25
“Bear,” a poem by Sister Galen, OSB, page 26
“Hippopotamus,” a poem by Susan Schoenbauer, page 27
“Mosquito,” a poem by Barbara Lefaive, page 28
“Whale,” a poem by Kathleen Barrett, page 29
Linoleum cuts by Carol Lang, pages 24-29
“I’m Sorry” by Marian Zeiner, page 30
“Fog,” a poem by Sheila Hogan, page 31
“Remember Me” by Joanne Meyer, page 32
“Mandatum,” a poem by Sister Galen, OSB, page 34
Golding’s View of Man:
Deprived by Mary Hughes, page 35
Depraved by Leslie Serwat, page 36
“Youth,” a poem by Barbara Lefaive, page 37
“A Walk Into Spring,” poetry by Kathleen Barrett, Carol Hughes, Sister Celine, OSB, and Sheila Hogan, pages 38-39
Linoleum cut by Susan Fitzpatrick, page 38
“Stones” by Mary Hughes, page 40
Linoleum cut by Barbara Beckrich, page 41
“The Search Ends,” a poem by Kathleen Barrett, page 43
“The Fortune-Teller,” a poem by Sheila Hogan, page 44
Review: The Pooh Perplex by Sheila Hogan, page 45
Review: The Birthday King by Margaret Roushar, page 46
Review: The Quarry by Jeanette Blonigen, page 46
The Minnesota Review Reviewed by Mary Breiter, page 47
Winter 1964
Linoleum Cut by Carol Karn, page 4
“The Life of Chris: Two Chapters” by Sister Kennan, OSB, page 5
“To Nuns, from the World,” a poem, page 11
“Berholt Brecht’s Theory of Epic Theater” by Sister Galen, OSB, page 12
“W.2,” a poem by Judith Wagner, page 15
“Friends are Fine,” a poem by Mary Jo Flynn, page 16
“Phyllis McGinley,” a poem by Judith Wyngarden, page 17
“Solo” by Mary Weisgram, page 18
“Such is Like,” a poem by Carol Hughes, page 19
“A Prophet in His Own Country” by Cecilia Brandl, page 21
“Friendship,” a poem by Sister Galen, OSB, page 23
“Our: The New Generation,” an editorial by Carol Hughes, page 24
“Crooked,” a poem by Katherine Unger, page 25
Illustration by Sheila Hogan, page 26
“Night Joy,” poems by Sheila Hogan, Nancy Herriges, and Kathleen Slone, page 26
“Bus Station—P.M.,” a poem by Sister Galen, OSB, page 28
“Somebody” by Carol Hughes, page 29
“The Tuner,” a poem by Joan Eberhard, page 31
“One of the Crowd,” a poem by Sister Galen, OSB, page 32
“And the Snow Fell” by Judith Pollock, page 33
“The Betrayal,” a poem by Sister Peter Lorraine, OSB, page 35
Linoleum cut by Carol Lang, page 36
“Time to Grow” by Bernadette Reardon, page 37
“Oak Trees,” a poem by Sister Philip, OSB, page 39
“Suddenly September,” page 40
Ink Sketch by Carol Karn, page 41
Haiku by Kathleen Quigley, page 42
“Annunciation,” a poem by Sister Galen, OSB, page 43
“The Hill,” a poem by Kathleen Barrett, page 44
Book Review: Letters from Vatican City by Katherine Hayes, page 45
Book Review: The Art of Being Human by Mary Patricia St. Marie, page 46
“The Ramparts Questionnaire,” a review by Mary Jo Flynn, page 46
Review: O Ye Jigs and Juleps by Judith Wyngarden, page 47
50th Anniversary Issue (1963-64)
“A Flame Finds the Light” by Patricia Rooney, page 6
“These Gentle Communists” by Mary Thomes, page 7
“Multiple Choice” by Kathleen Hyland, page 10
“Daddy Was an Immigrant” by Betty Wahl, page 11
“Lilac Laughter” by Angeline Dufner, page 14
“Spring Song at College” by Elsie Tahnk, page 14
“Gone With the Draft” by Leona Petrowitz, page 14
“Temptation in June” by Leona Petrowitz, page 15
“The Phoebe Said” by Elizabeth Reiten, page 15
Ink Sketch by Mollie Mulheran, page 15
“Somebody” by Carol Hughes, page 17
“Some Day” by Maureen Riley, page 19
“Our Common Mother” by Florence McCormick, page 20
“Brave” by Sedonia Ruhland, page 22
“Loneliness” by Susan Schoenbauer, page 23
Illustration by Judith Teufert, page 23
“Early Smoke” by Mary Heaton, page 24
“Birth of a Monastery” by Mary Jo Matthews, page 26
“Une Folle Surprise” by Margaret Faulkner, page 29
“Ice or Star” by Lilias Smith, page 29
Pencil and Ink Drawing by Susan Fitzpatrick, page 29
“First Date” by Dorothy Peffer, page 30
“Eugene O’Neill: Deserter and Searcher” by Patricia Campion and Elizabeth Freeman, page 32
“Your Little Ones” by Delores Dufner, page 34
“Little Things” by Eleanor Welter, page 35
“Susan Had Zeal” by Elizabeth Freeman, page 36
“Teen and Between” by Margaret Crowley, page 40
“Life’s Puzzle” by Virginia Crever, page 41
Pencil and Ink Drawing by Lorae Schmidtbauer, page 41
“First Horse” by Gloria Schleper, page 42
“I Said That Life Was Full of Care” by Cecilia Brandl, page 45
Illustration by Constance Nelson, page 45
“My People” by Virginia Tahnk, page 46
“Globe of Dreams” by Catherine Pribyl, page 49
“War” by Kathleen Hughes, page 50
Linoleum Cut by Lorae Schmidtbauer, page 51
“The Last Time” by Marietta Swoffer, page 52
“Youth’s Answer” by Marguerite Tonskemper, page 54
“Welcome Home Sketches” by Genevieve Powers, page 55
“Peace Offering” by Patricia Gits, page 56
“Flash Crimson” by Marie Billstein, page 59
“Before You Leave” by Patricia Schmitt, page 61
“The Hankie and the Sins” by Bernadette Loosbroek, page 62
“Makeup” by Jeanne Gnifkowski, page 65
Linoleum Cut by Lorae Schmidtbauer, page 66
“Jay Punishes” by Jeanne du Charme, page 67
“Broken Friendship” by La Jean Hurd, page 71
“A Genuine End” by Betty Wahl, page 72
“The Inebriate” by Virginia Crever, page 72
“Kin” by Kathleen Hughes, page 72
Ink Drawing by Lynn Pappenfus, page 72
“In Frivolous Mood” by Elsie Tahnk, page 73
“My Father and Eric Gill” by Mary Martin, page 74
“Patchwork” by Margaret Heinen, page 76
“Word in the Dark” by Nancy Hynes, page 77
“Catholics on the Soap Box” by Helen Welter, page 80
“Edward Arlington Robinson” by Bernice Hogan, page 82
“In Memoriam” by Elizabeth Reiten, page 83
Ink Wash by Rita Beyer, page 86
“God’s Sense of Humor” by Rosemary Boyle, page 87
“Nothing Ever Happens to Me” by Ann Ziegler, page 89
“Beauty” by Cecilia Brandl, page 90
Illustration by Mary Ellen Burrock, page 90
“And That One Talent” by Genevieve Powers, page 91
“Childhood” by Maureen Riley, page 92
“Macbeth’s Third Witch Speaks” by Betty Ann Sullivan, page 93
“For An Old Mother” by Margaret Heinen, page 94
“My Mother” by Mary Johnson, page 94
“A Daughter Remembers” by Maureen Costello, page 95
“Broken Hearts” by Mary Louise Reilly, page 96
Our Contributors, page 98