
Murray Hall Pool 1984  Murray Hall Pool 1984 Photo 2

Murray Hall Pool 2011             Murray Hall Pool 2011 Photo 2                 Murray Hall Pool Exterior 1961     

Murray Hall Pool, 1984 (top), 2011 (middle row), and exterior in 1961 (bottom) (click thumbnails for larger image)

During President Stanley Idzerda’s term, the College of Saint Benedict received a government grant to build an indoor pool. The grant covered 90% of the expenses, with the remainder of money raised through a student fee and St. Joe community rental charge.  In 1972, the ground for the pool was broken, and the pool was formally dedicated on December 9, 1973.  The dedication ceremony included  diving demonstrations by guest Craig Lincoln, 1972 Olympic bronze medalist.

The pool is a 75×45 feet rectangle, with depths ranging from ten to three feet.  It is connected to the gym through a hallway aligned with locker rooms, both male and female. Both locker rooms are equipped with bathrooms, a laundry area, showers, benches, equipment rooms and offices.  Each room also contains a sauna.

Selected Bibliography:

Paegal, Mary and deRosier, Kelly, “Two Looks at the Pool,” The Torch, November 17, 1971, p 1.

DeRosier, Kelly, “Pool Plans Finalized,” The Torch, February 14, 1972, p.1.

“A New Pool for CSB,” St. Cloud Visitor, December 28, 1972, p. 8.

Campus Round-Up,” Saint Benedict’s, February 1974, p. 4.

McGarry, Mary, “Water, water everywhere… but in the pool,” Vitae, October 9, 1975, p. 1, 3.

Special thanks to Ariel Smelter ’12 for drafting this text.