
To be obedient is to listen, obedience comes from the Latin word for listen.
“Obedience is a blessing to be shown by all…”  R.B. 71

“The labor of obedience will bring you back to him from whom you had drifted through the sloth of disobedience.”  R. B. Prologue

“With the ready step of obedience, they follow the voice of authority in their action.”  R.B. 5.8

“Obedience must be given gladly…”  R.B. 5.16


An Unexpected Call  by Abbot Douglas Mullin

Tending to the Essentials: Benedictine Wisdom for Growing Attentive by Michael Rubbelke

Being Benedictine Across Generations by Jessie Bazan

Happiness: Benedictine Style by Sr. Michaela Hedican and Br. David Paul Lange

Hospitality: Making Room Inside Ourselves for Another Person by Sr. Cecelia Prokosch

Is ISIS Islamic? by Noreen Herzfeld

What is a Benedictine Oblate? by Fr. Michael Peterson, Mary Stommes, Nick Tangen, and Holly Christie

Once a Johnnie, Always a Johnnie by Fr. Lew Grobe


Rule of Benedict, Chapter 5 and 71

Benedictine Vow of Obedience Explained

Benedictine Bits: Maur and Placid

Benedict in the World by Linda Kulzer & Roberta Bondi (available in Quad 241 & Clemens Library)

Benedictine Living: Reflections for Prayer and Meditation , Ch. 4 by Kate Ritger (available in Quad 241 & Clemens Library)

Strangers to the City by Michael Casey, Ch. 7-8 (available in Quad 241 & Clemens Library)

Prayer & Community: The Benedictine Tradition by Fr. Columba Stewart, Ch. 3 (available in Quad 241 & Clemens Library)

The Rule of Benedict: A Spirituality for the 21st Century by Joan Chittister, Ch. 5 & 71 (available in Quad 241 & Alcuin Library)

Spirituality for Everyday Living by Brian Taylor, Ch. 1 (available in Quad 241 & Alcuin Library)

Sacred Balance: Aligning Body & Spirit Through Yoga & the Benedictine Way by Melinda Emily Thomas (available in Quad 241)


St. Benedict’s Toolbox by Jane Tomaine, page 85-93