Setting Up Your CSB+SJU Network Account

  1. Navigate your web browser to the CSB+SJU network account password management site (
  2. Locate and click on the Forgot Your Password button.
  3. Enter your CSB+SJU email address in the User ID box, complete the CAPTCHA challenge by typing the letters that appear in the provided box and click Next.
  4. Select I forgot my password and click Next.
  5. Ensure Email my alternate email is selected and click Email. A message will be sent to the email address you have previously supplied to CSB+SJU for communication purposes.
  6. Check the mailbox of your alternate email address. You should receive a message with the subject “College of Saint Benedict – Saint John’s University account email verification code”.  This message will contain a code which you will need in the next step.
  7. Go back to the password reset page and enter the code which was emailed to you.
  8. After correctly entering the code, follow the prompts to change your password.

CSB+SJU Passphrase Creation Requirements

Please review the CSB+SJU Passphrase Requirements below for guidelines on creating a passphrase (also known as passwords). Passphrases are longer, more secure, and easier to remember than traditional passwords.

Passphrases will not expire. The passphrase should be changed immediately if an account owner believes that it has been compromised (for example, if there is a possibility that another person may have viewed or acquired the password).

Please contact the CSB+SJU Help Desk at 320-363-2228 if you have any problems setting your password.