Suggested Coursework
A rigorous liberal arts program best prepares students for admission to law school. Law schools do not require that a student take a specific sequence of courses as an undergraduate. Students may select any major, though majoring in the social sciences and humanities is typical.
Students preparing to apply to law school should choose courses that will enable them to understand and examine critically human institutions and values and to communicate effectively, both orally and in writing. Students may wish to explore their interest in law through law-related courses and internships.
It is strongly recommended that a student considering the legal professional meet with a faculty pre-law advisor for information about the application process, as early as second semester during their first year.
Suggested Coursework:
- COMM 225 Argumentation and Advocacy
- COMM 307 Freedom of Speech
- COMM 387D Media, Law and Society
- ENGL 315A Writing in Business
- ENVR 278 20th c. World Environmental History
- ENVR 360 US Environmental History
- GBUS 361 Law and Business
- HIST 277B Protest, Riot, and Rebellion in U.S. History
- HIST 277B Protest, Riot, and Rebellion in US History
- HIST 277D Revolution and Repression in Modern Latin America
- HIST 279D The American Revolution
- HIST 295A Debating the French Revolution
- HIST 301 Race and Law in U.S. History
- HIST 301 Race and the Law in US History
- HIST 329 Guns, Gold and Slaves: Africa and the British Empire
- HIST 333 Society and Gender in Western Europe
- HIST 355 Slavery in the Atlantic World
- PCST 346 Mediation
- PCST 349 International Law
- PHIL 210 Logic
- PHIL 377B Liberty, Equality & Race in American Political Thought
- POLS 224 Courts, Law, and Policy
- POLS 320 Law and Literature
- POLS 323 Constitutional Law: Structure and Power
- POLS 324 Constitutional Law: Civil Rights and Liberties
- PSYC 309L Forensic & Legal Psychology
- PSYC 381 Psychology Disorders
- SOCI 304 Criminology
- SOCI 336C Corrections
College of Saint Benedict
Saint John’s University
Mark Shimota
Pre-Law Coordinator
Academic Advising
102 Academic Services Building, CSB