Saint John’s Abbey Run Disc Golf Course

In summer 2009, the Abbey Run Disc Golf course was installed at Saint John’s. Funded by the Saint John’s Senate, this course is designed to have a minimal impact on the environment while still providing a fun and challenging course.

The Course

On the prairie just east of East Gemini Lake, you can access the first hole from a trail near the four way stop or by the road to the athletic fields. The course starts on the top on the sledding hill by the large rock. Granite tee signs in the ground will guide you throughout the course. This is a “natural” course with most of the land left in natural habitat. That means a lot of “rough” for golfers, but it is very pretty and very close to campus. The fairway will be mowed and clear of brush, but please be patient if you are searching for your discs in the rough. We recommend pants and/or bug spray until the first frost comes.

The Land

The course is located on land owned by the monks of Saint John’s Abbey (like all the land at Saint John’s). The Abbey is allowing use of this parcel of land for the Abbey Run Disc Golf course as long as the course users are respectful and the course remains free of litter.

We all need to do our part to keep the course clean. Please follow the Leave No Trace policy and pick up whatever trash you may find.

The Discs

100 discs (drivers, mid-range, and putters) are available to use thanks to the Saint John’s Senate and are available to check-out from the Outdoor Leadership Center. Feel free to bring your own!

In addition, the Saint John’s Senate in collaboration with the Disc Golf Club and the OLC, hopes to host regular tournaments and events so practice early and often.

What is Disc Golf?

Disc golf is very similar to traditional golf, the main difference being the use of a flying disc (Frisbee) rather than a ball and clubs. The object of the game is the same: complete each hole in the fewest number of strokes or throws. After “teeing” off, the player moves down the fairway, with each consecutive throw being taken from the spot where the previous throw landed. The hole is completed when the disc lands in the basket. Disc golf is a sport designed to be enjoyed by people of all ages and abilities.


Thanks and Happy Frolfing!