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Best Buy VP of Strategic Community Engagement to speak on women empowerment

February 15, 2022 • 2 min read

Amelia Hardy first joined Best Buy in 2014, and over the course of the past eight years, the company’s current Vice President of Strategic Community Engagement has held a wide variety of positions there.

At each step along the way, those who know her best say she has helped lift up those who’ve worked alongside her.

“Across numerous leadership roles in our company, Amelia has made those around her better by bringing her experience, belief, passion and grace to everything she does,” said Best Buy CEO Corie Barry, a 1997 graduate of the College of Saint Benedict.

Hardy will share some of her experiences with students at Barry’s alma mater when the Sister Nancy Hynes Institute for Women’s Leadership at CSB presents “Women Empowerment: A Fireside Chat with Amelia Hardy” at 7 p.m. Thursday in Gorecki 204B on the CSB campus.

Sydney Robinson ’19, the Diversity and Inclusion Program Manager at the CSB+SJU Multicultural Center, will interview Hardy, who prior to her current position served as Best Buy’s Vice President of Inclusion and Diversity.

It will mark the close of a day that will also see Hardy speak with classes and meet with students on campus.

The mother of four children – ranging in age from four to 17 – has also been Best Buy’s Health Partnerships Senior Director and Category and Brand Marketing Director. In all, she brings over 20 years of leadership roles at Fortune 100 companies.

In addition, she currently serves on multiple national and community boards including the Boys and Girls Club of the Twin Cities, MEDA, The Cowles Center, NAZ and Minnesota Community Care.

Amelia Hardy

Amelia Hardy