Publications of Luke Mancuso


Mancuso, Luke. The Strange Sad War Revolving: Walt Whitman, Reconstruction, and the Emergence of Black Citizenship. Columbia, SC: Camden House Press, 1997. Amazon


Mancuso, Luke. “The Orestes Brownson—Virgil Michel Connections.” Symposium Journal (6) Spring 1988: 29—44.

Mancuso, Luke. “The Monastery and the World: A Consideration of Hospitality.” Review for Religious 48: 2 (March—April 1989): 283—90.

Mancuso, Luke. “A Consideration of the Orestes Brownson—Virgil Michel Connections.” American Benedictine Review 40:3 (Sept 1989): 274—90.

Mancuso, Luke. “‘Chanting the Square Deific’: Walt Whitman Confronts Structural Evil in Post—War America.” Symposium Journal (8) 1990: 15—33.

Mancuso, Luke. “‘Reconstruction is still in Abeyance’: Walt Whitman’s Democratic Vistas and the Federalizing of National Identity.” ATQ: Journal of 19t-century American Culture and Literature. 8:3 (Sept 1994): 229—250.

Mancuso, Luke. “Keep a Steady Course: Dessa Rose Resists But Maintains the Interracial Equilibrium. Symposium Journal (SJU Press) (13) 1995: 1—14.

Mancuso, Luke. “‘I should have been too glad—I see—’: Emily Dickinson’s Ironic Dismissal of the Puritan Code,” Symposium Journal (19) Spring 2002: 88-93.

Mancuso, Luke. “Cultural Context: Civil War.” The Routledge Companion to Walt Whitman. Ed. Donald Kummings. 290-310. New York & London. (Blackwell Press, 2006). Wiley

Mancuso, Luke. “Brokeback Mountain and the History of the Future of the Normal.” Ed. Joanna Juett. Coming Out to the Mainstream: Queer Cinema in the 21st Century. 91-121. Cambridge S P, 2011.

Reference Essays:

Mancuso, Luke. “Leaves of Grass (1867 edition).” Walt Whitman Encyclopedia. Eds. Donald Kummings and J. R. LeMaster. (Garland Press, 1998) 365-368.

Mancuso, Luke. “Leaves of Grass (1871—1872 edition).” Walt Whitman Encyclopedia. Eds. Donald Kummings & J. R. LeMaster. (Garland Press, 1998) 368-372.

Mancuso, Luke. “Preface to As a Strong Bird on Pinions Free (1872).” Walt Whitman Encyclopedia. Eds. Donald Kummings & J. R. LeMaster. (Garland Press, 1998) 540-41.

Mancuso, Luke. “Reconstruction.” Walt Whitman Encyclopedia. Eds. Donald Kummings and J. R. LeMaster. (Garland Press, 1998) 576-77.

Mancuso, Luke. “Sequel to Drum—Taps (1866).” Walt Whitman Encyclopedia. Eds. Donald Kummings & J. R. LeMaster. (Garland Press, 1998) 627-28.

Book Reviews:

Mancuso, Luke. Review of Comer, Keith. Strange Meetings: Walt Whitman, Wilfred Owen, and Poetry of War. Lund University Press, 1996, in Walt Whitman Quarterly Review 15:4 (Winter 1998) 99—102.

Mancuso, Luke. Review of Loving, Jerome. Walt Whitman: The Song of Himself. Berkeley: U of CA P, 1999, in American Literary Realism. (September 2000) 100-104.

Mancuso, Luke. Book Review Editor, Midwest/Modern Language Association Journal, January 2005.

Mancuso, Luke. Review of Greenspan, Ezra. Song of Myself: A Casebook and Critical Reader. New York & London: Routledge, 2005. Walt Whitman Quarterly Review 23: 3 (Winter 2006).

Mancuso, Luke. Book Review Editor, Midwest/Modern Language Association Journal, January 2007.

Mancuso, Luke. Manuscript Editor, Iowa Whitman Series: Martin Buinicki: Walt Whitman and Reconstruction (2011), University of Iowa Press, Iowa City, IA, Fall 2010.


“The Pleasures of Prayer.” Headwaters Journal (Spring 2007), 47.

New Media:

Mancuso, Luke. “Reading Plato in the New Mexico Desert: Sabbatical Horizons.” CSB/SJU English Department Web Newsletter: May 2007. 

Mancuso, Luke. “The Pleasures of Prayer.” CSB/SJU English Department Web Newsletter: May 2007. 

Mancuso, Luke. “Luke Mancuso talks with Madhu Mitra about his Sabbatical.” CSB/SJU English Department Web Newsletter: December 2008. 

Mancuso, Luke. First-Year Seminar: “Looking Hard at Movies,”—Fall 2015-Spring 2016

Selected Papers (Scholarship):
Luke Mancuso, associate professor

SJU Quad 355B
[email protected]

View Luke’s professional profile

College of Saint Benedict
Saint John’s University

Jessica Harkins
Chair, English Department
SJU Quad 350B

Laura Schmitz
Temporary Department Coordinator (Through spring 2024)
SJU Quad 362D/451

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