What it Means to be a Bonner

For me, Bonner is not, at its foundation, a commitment to a particular institution, individual, or a list of policies, qualifications, or goals. Rather, being a Bonner Leader is a commitment to a state of mind. That state of mind, or worldview, entails certain beliefs and ideals that shape who we are as a community of leaders. Fundamentally, everyone in Bonner, by virtue of being in the group must believe that we can make a difference. Without this element, it is pointless to be in Bonner. Second, this state of mind refuses to submit to the status quo, or acquiesce to the myriad injustices in the world. Finally, this state of mind requires us to use our powers to make a difference and our refusal to accept injustice to be converted into a meaningful effort to alleviate the suffering of others. These elements, when brought to fruition, fulfill the essence of what it means to be a Bonner.

Bonner Leader 2010-2011

To be in Bonner means you have a    passion for helping others. You go out of your way to make someone’s day even if it is just opening a door, but you also reach out farther than most into the community to make others’ lives better than they were before they met you. This includes all walks of life, discriminating no one, respecting and caring for all.

Bonner Leader 2010-2011

To me, being a Bonner means that I care. I care about my fellow students, my community, and my world. No matter what issue it is that I choose to work for, being a Bonner shows that I have the will to make a difference because I believe in something bigger than myself. Through service aimed at achieving  social  justice, being a Bonner prepares you for the rest of your life as a leader.

Bonner Leader 2011-2012

For me, being a Bonner means being a part of something bigger than myself. Not only am I a part of the CSB/SJU Bonner program, but the Bonner program extends far beyond my campus and throughout the country. The Bonner Leader Program inspires me to serve others with an open heart and open mind, and encourages others to do the same!

Allison Fischbach ’17

Being a Bonner means you are committed to improving yourself by improving the community around you.

Kevin Curwick ’17