Eugene McCarthy Lecture

Eugene McCarthy Lecture

7:30 p.m.
Monday, December 11, 2023
Stephen B. Humphrey Theater, SJU

Purchase Tickets
  • Monday, November 20 at 7:30 p.m.

McCarthy Lecture:
17th annual Eugene McCarthy Lecture
Featuring, Honorable Philip Davis
Prime Minister of the Commonwealth of The Bahamas

The lecture, sponsored by the Eugene J. McCarthy Center for Public Policy and Civic Engagement, is free and open to the public. Prime Minister Davis will address the unique relationship between CSB+SJU as well as climate change, economics, and other challenges and opportunities related to The Bahamas.

Since May 2017, Davis has been leader of the Progressive Liberal Party in The Bahamas. In September 2021, he was elected the country’s fifth Prime Minister. He also serves as Minister of Finance.

Davis is a Member of Parliament for Cat Island, Rum Cay and San Salvador. Professionally, he is known both locally and internationally as an acclaimed corporate and human rights lawyer, a highly distinguished legal educator and a passionate sports fan and sponsor.

The annual McCarthy Lecture carries forward former U.S. Senator and presidential candidate Eugene McCarthy’s deep commitment to the ideals and principles of democratic self-government. It seeks to inspire a new generation of young people to pursue fresh ideas, to challenge the status quo, to effect positive change in their communities and, like McCarthy himself, lead with honesty, integrity, and courage.