Theology Day

Kristin Colberg

The Synod at the Halfway Point: Where are We Now?

  In-person Event | Presenter: Kristin Colberg, Ph.D.

In 2021, Pope Francis opened the Synod on Synodality, which is scheduled to continue into 2023. As we end the first year of this historic event, certain important questions arise: Where are we at with this process? What have we learned? How will this synod impact the church moving forward? Dr. Kristin Colberg is the only theologian from the United States on the Theological Commission supporting the synod. She has participated in many of the phases of this event. Her Theology Day presentation will share personal experiences of the synod’s work in the global church, and she will offer reflections and communal discussion on the synod’s goals as well as its potential meaning for us, our local churches, and the world. Join us as we explore the theology of synodality, Pope Francis’s vision for the church, and what it means to more fully become a “listening church.”

Kristin Colberg is an Associate Professor of Theology at the College of Saint Benedict and Saint John’s University and the School of Theology and Seminary. She received her doctorate in Systematic Theology from the University of Notre Dame and writes on topics related to ecclesiology, ecumenism, and the theology of Vatican II. She currently serves on the theological commission supporting the synod on synodality and on the Anglican-Roman Catholic International Commission (ARCIC).

Dates & Times

  • Friday, September 9, 9:00 a.m. - 12:15 a.m.

    Emmaus Hall, Saint John's University

  • Friday, September 9, 9:00 a.m. - 11:15 a.m.


  • Thursday, October 27, 6:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m.

    Basilica of Saint Mary, Minneapolis

Register Now

Please note: Start time indicates when presentations begin; in-person check-in is 30 minutes prior, webinar and synchronous access opens about 15 minutes prior.

Theology Day is a chance for people in our communities who are seeking a deeper understanding of their faith and its place in their everyday lives to learn from and interact with the theologians of Saint John's School of Theology and Seminary. It offers a chance for these scholars to gain insights and grow in their faith, as well.

There is no fee for Theology Day, but registration is required. Free-will offerings and gifts to support the mission of the School of Theology and Seminary are gratefully accepted.

For more information, contact our Development Office at 320-363-3560 or [email protected].

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