International Students

As an International student you may have questions about accessing services after experiencing an assault or abuse. You may not know what you want to do and that's okay. What happened is not your fault. There are resources available to help you figure out your options for reporting and healing from trauma. Under the law, students and staff who are victims or survivors of sexual and interpersonal violence receive the same rights under Title IX and the Violence Against Women Act (VAWA), regardless of immigration and visa status.

There are confidential support resources and private reporting resources. Confidential support means that the individual you talk to has an obligation to keep all of your information to themselves and can only share information if you are at risk to yourself or someone else. 

Private reporting options are the Dean of Students Office and Campus Security or Life Safety. They will keep your information private but may have to report certain information under Title IX requirements. 

Due to Title IX requirements, all staff and faculty are considered Campus Security Authorities and if they have information that an assault has occurred are required to report the incident to the Dean of Student's office on either campus or to Campus Security (CSB) or Life Safety (SJU) staff. 

You have choices. It is important that you get help. The Dean of Students Office and Campus Security or Life Safety will outline your options. You are not required to report what happened to you. You can pursue supportive measure’s that can make you feel more safe on campus. You can choose to meet with counseling staff or an advocate to process your experience and begin the healing process.

Confidential Resources:
Private Reporting Options:
  • CSB Security, 320-363-5000
  • SJU Life Safety, 320-363-2144
  • CSB Dean of Students Office, 320-363-5601
  • SJU Assistant Director of Student Conduct, 320-363-2044
Are there specific visa and immigration statuses for victims of crimes?

Yes.  For victims of sexual assault, domestic violence, dating violence and stalking, there may be other visa options, including U and T Visas. See information below. For specifics, talk to an immigration attorney. For local resources, contact Mid Minnesota Legal Aid at 612-334-5970 or 1-800-292-4150.

U visa
  • For victims of substantial physical or mental abuse as the result of certain criminal activity, including sexual abuse, domestic violence, rape, assault, or other related crimes
  • Victim/applicant must be a victim of qualifying criminal activity and likely to be helpful to the investigation and/or prosecution of that criminal activity
  • Generally valid for four years
T visa
  • For victims of human trafficking
  • Must comply with reasonable requests from law enforcement for cooperation in investigation or prosecution of trafficking act(s) (unless unable to cooperate because of physical or psychological trauma), and must be able to demonstrate that the victim/applicant would suffer extreme hardship if removed from the United States
  • Generally valid for four years