Trash that art? Clemens Library exhibit looks at CSB campus consumption

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February 8, 2011

More than one person did a double-take as they passed through Clemens Library at the College of Saint Benedict (CSB) one day in early February. 

Colorful trashRight in the middle of the main entrance lobby area sat five large bales of recycled materials from CSB, ranging from about 400 pounds to 800 pounds. 

The bales, along with several glass cases of recyclables, are the main elements of the art exhibit "Is it Art? Is it Trash?  Is it Sustainable?" Two bales have compacted plastic bottles, one has corrugated cardboard and another is full of paper board.  Positioned squarely in the middle is a fifth bale - a large box of white paper.

The project is the brainchild of Adam Konczewski, media services associate at CSB. He worked with Schug, the CSB Sustainability Office and the College of Saint Benedict/Saint John's University Art Club to make the exhibit a reality. Scattered throughout the exhibit are signs with facts and figures about the amount of trash generated on CSB's campus and how much is recycled each week.

"I thought of this a couple of years ago when I was working on a recycling video with some students.  I talked with Larry and then I saw the big bales of trash," Konczewski said. "They are so colorful, dense and visually intense. "

Trash art displayEducating the campus community about how much is consumed and what happens to the waste are the main goals of the project. "We all have the power to control our consumption and as responsible citizens, we should know what happens to the trash once it leaves our house, dorm room or apartment," Konczewski added.

The exhibit will on display until March 7 during library hours.

Photos taken by Courtney Kelley '13