Campus Groove Recordings Releases New CD

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April 6, 2006

Campus Groove Recordings (CGR), a student-run CD production club, is releasing its fourth compilation album.  Individual musicians and bands from CSB/SJU submitted demos for the CD and 15 were ultimately chosen for the album.

The 2005/2006 album features a wide variety of sound--from mellow acoustic soul to electronic rock 'n' roll.

If you're interested in purchasing this year's CD, please email co-chair Brittany Mrozek.  The album and its full-color art layout can be purchased for just $12, including Shipping & Handling. Please provide your name and shipping address with your email.  Checks should be made out to "Campus Groove Recordings."

For alumnae/i in the Minneapolis/St. Paul area, CGR CDs can now be purchased at CD Warehouse, owned by Bob Chelberg '91.  The address for the store is:
CD Warehouse
1417 SE 4th St.
Minneapolis MN 55414