Zach Shivers, Preston Joffer '16

Improving Public Health Outcomes Through Recipe Modification

The American population is struggling to meet the new 2015 Dietary Guidelines
in several aspects of their diets. Two main categories of challenge for individual's
diets are sodium and saturated fat consumption, which are correlated with
hypertension, chronic heart disease, and obesity. High or excessive consumption
of these nutrients can lead to a variety of chronic conditions and diseases
prevalent in today's society. Cultural food ways can contribute to these nutritional
challenges. In this research, we dealt with German Midwestern cultural and
traditional dishes that were high in these nutrients. Current Stearns County
health assessment data shows that nearly 60% of the local population is
overweight or obese; chronic heart disease is the second leading cause of death
in Minnesota. It can be difficult to adhere to these Dietary Guidelines due to the
flavor and taste that sodium and saturated fat incorporate into many recipes. Our
research specifically focused on modifying these recipes to fit recommended
consumption levels for saturated fat and sodium. Numerous negative health
outcomes have been observed in the American population from consuming foods
containing very high levels of sodium and saturated fat. Hodge (2016) and
Hammad (2015) research provides evidence that the selected recipes include
excessive amounts of certain ingredients that can lead to adverse health effects
and other health consequences. Before and after making recipe changes we
utilized Computrition's software, Hospitality Suite v.18, to analyze the nutrient
composition. Food for Fifty recipe standardization methodology was followed. By
only slightly changing these traditional dishes and ingredients, with minimal taste
alterations, we improved the overall nutritional quality of said dishes as well as
the potential health outcomes associated with their consumption. Altered recipes
had a nearly 60% decrease of sodium and a 25% decrease in overall fat content
while maintaining the original flavor profile of the food. Recipe changes also
resulted in improved taste sensory evaluations. This research created healthier
recipes through the use of the 2015 Dietary Guidelines and Food For Fifty by
performing recipe testing, standardization, and multiple alterations. The current
nutrition evidence-base supports decreasing saturated fat and sodium
consumption and these recommendations are beneficial as they decrease
negative health outcomes and promote the overall health of the American public.

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Improving Public Health Outcomes Through Recipe Modification

Research Advisor: Bernadette Elhard MBA, RD, LD