Community Life

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Community life is an important part of graduate study at Saint John’s. Whether students live on campus or off, they have many opportunities to participate in the life of the school.

Eucharist and Convivium

Prayer and meals eaten together are part of the heart of community life at Saint John’s. Students, faculty, and staff celebrate the Eucharist together once a week in the Emmaus chapel. Midday prayer and a shared meal known as “Convivium” are a highlight each Thursday in the Emmaus Dining Room.   

Student Government and Student Events

Student Government serves as a channel of communication between students, faculty, and administration concerning all areas of student needs. Students can join a variety of committees, including those for liturgy, social justice, events, ecumenical efforts, and academics. Student Government representatives are elected in the fall.

Student Government also coordinates a number of longstanding special student events, including cookouts, special dinners, the Halloween Party, the Thanksgiving Feast, Lessons and Carols services, Mardi Gras, and the Softball Game.

Human Rights and Sexual Assault Policies

In order to support a healthy campus community, Saint John’s School of Theology and Seminary follows the College of Saint Benedict/Saint John’s University Joint Human Rights Policy and the Joint Sexual Assault Policy.