Master of Divinity – Lay Ministry

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The M.Div. program for lay ministry candidates readies students for church leadership as lay ecclesial ministers.

M. Div. Program Information

Application Requirements

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Application Deadline: Rolling Admission

The three year Master of Divinity program for lay ministry candidates readies students for church leadership as lay ecclesial ministers. Consistent with Co-Workers in the Vineyard of the Lord, the formation program addresses the whole person, attending to human, spiritual, intellectual, and pastoral development.

The program guides students through discernment of:
Program Description:

Classroom learning, Clinical Pastoral Education, and field education work together to teach students to reflect theologically on their ministerial experiences, while spiritual direction and communal prayer nurture students’ spiritual lives.

Through theological study and formation, students grow in their understanding of God’s activity in their lives and develop an understanding of themselves as lay ecclesial ministers called to serve in Christian communities.

Integration of mind and heart

Benedict, in his Rule, calls the monastery a “school for the Lord’s service” (Rule of Benedict Prologue).

Graduate study and ministerial formation at Saint John’s take place within a setting focused upon the integration of mind and heart. 

The learning that takes place in the classroom, the chapel, and the dining hall set students on a pathway of service to God and others balanced by prayer and reflection.

Authentic service to others develops within the context of ongoing personal transformation and spiritual growth.