Reflections of God in Scripture and Science

In addressing the Pontifical Academy of the Sciences in 2008, Pope Benedict XVI appealed to the ancient idea that nature and revelation are like two books by which humans can strive to understand creation and the Creator.

This idea invites reflection not only on how the Bible and science relate to one another, but also on how their differing ways of knowing reflect human nature as created in the divine image. The thesis of this lecture is that humans are created to know God and that such knowing can be found in the chapters both of the Bible and of science.


Vincent Smiles, Ph. D.Vincent Smiles, Ph.D, is professor of Theology in the undergraduate Department of Theology of the College of Saint Benedict and Saint John’s University. He graduated from Saint John’s School of Theology·Seminary in 1975 with an M.A. in Theology and completed his Ph. D. at Fordham University in 1989.

His major publications have been on the letters of Paul, but in recent years his research interests have also turned to the relationship between theology and science. His latest book, published by the Liturgical Press in 2011, is The Bible and Science: Longing.


Date and Location

  • Jan. 13, 8:00 a.m. - 1 p.m. (includes lunch)
  • The Community of the Blessed Sacrament
    11300 North 64th Street, Scottsdale, Arizona

Theology Day is a chance for people in our communities who are seeking a deeper understanding of their faith and its place in their everyday lives to learn from and interact with the theologians of Saint John's School of Theology·Seminary. It offers a chance for these scholars to gain insights and grow in their faith, as well.

A typical Theology Day consists of registration and refreshments, followed by a period of conversation/presentation/lecture. The conversation then continues as participants are given a chance to continue their discussions with one another. Morning presentations are followed by a complimentary lunch for all participants, and most evening sessions also include a meal.

There is no fee for Theology Day, but registration is required.  Free-will offerings and gifts to support the mission of the School of Theology·Seminary are gratefully accepted.

For more information, contact our Development Office at 320-363-3570 or [email protected].