Pre-YTM Survey


This Pre-YTM survey is primarily designed to help us understand the impact of YTM. We will be giving you this survey again at the end of your YTM experience. All survey data will be held in the highest confidentiality and your name will never be specifically tied to specific responses. This survey also seeks to understand your experience of the Church and your interests in ministry. Your responses are very important and will be used in research connected with the YTM program and with other national research.

I. Background Information

1. What is your gender?
2. What is your current age?
3. What grade have you just completed as you start YTM?
4. Do you currently attend a Catholic High School?
5. Did you ever attend a Catholic School at any time previous to this school year?
6. Were you enrolled in a parish based or other religious education program that was not part of a Catholic School last school year?

II. Theology

The following statements are about your engagement in theology before coming to YTM. Please respond to each questions with agree, neither agree nor disagree, or disagree.

7. I am excited about theological learning.
8. I think about God in my everyday life.
9. I read theology books.
10. I am interested in learning about Christ and his ways.
11. I have experienced a call to follow in the footsteps of Christ and his ways.
12. I have a personal relationship or friendship with Christ.
13. I am committed to participate in Christ's mission to build the Reign of God.
14. I am committed to being part of a community of Christians dedicated to this mission.
15. I think of myself as a disciple of Jesus Christ.
16. I am considering theological study in college.

III. Church Affiliation and Leadership

The following 12 questions are about your connection with the Church and your leadership practices. A variety of question responses will be requested in this section of the survey. These include "yes or no" responses, degree of importance responses, and open-ended responses.

17. Do you believe in God?
18. How important or inimportant is religious faith in shaping how you live your daily life?
19. How important or unimportant is religious faith in shaping your major life decisions?
20. How committed are you to the Church?
21. Is this the Catholic Church?
22. Do you think you will be an active member in the Church in ten years?
23. Are you currently taking a leadership role in any specific religious organization?
24. Are you currently taking a leadership role in any other type of organization?

IV. Faith Practices

The following questions are about your current faith practices.

25. About how often do you usually attend Mass or Sunday Worship?
26. How often, if ever, do you pray by yourself alone?
27. How often, if ever, do you read from Scriptures to yourself alone?
28. If you pray, describe your favorite ways to pray.
29. In the last year, how often, if at all, have you done organized volunteer work or community service not required by school or church?
30. In the last year, have you given any of your own money to any organization or causes, altogether totaling more than $30 (including giving money to the Church)?
31. How often does your mother attend Sunday Worship?
32. How often does your father attend Sunday Worship?
33. Does your family regularly pray to give thanks before or after mealtimes?
34. Have you ever, even briefly, considered becoming a priest, sister, or brother?
35. Has anyone ever discussed with you about becoming a priest, sister, or brother?
36. Have you ever, even briefly, considered working for the Church in some capacity without becoming a priest, sister, or brother?
37. Overall, have your parents specifically encouraged you to consider a religious vocation?
38. Who do you live with at home?
39. How would you describe your neighborhood?

41. What best describes your social or economic class?
42. How active are you in your parish?
43. Were you raised Catholic?

45. Are you planning on attending college?

Thank you for taking the time to complete this survey. Thanks to Center for Applied Research in the Apostolate for collaborating on this YTM research project.

2007, All rights reserved. Saint John's University, Collegeville, Minnesota, 56321 and CARA. Georgetown University, Washington, DC 20057-1203