Student Life
Consistent with our Benedictine heritage, Saint John’s is a “school for the Lord’s service” (Rule of Benedict, Prologue). Student life reflects this focus on preparation for serving God; academics, community life, spiritual growth, recreation, and vocational discernment all work together in a well-integrated student experience.
Explore these pages dedicated to student life to discover some of the many resources available to assist students as they journey through graduate theological education.
Visit our Current Students page for course schedules and other detailed information.
“This spirit of community is a reflection of the ideal of the monastic community, undoubtedly. It spills over into the lives of students, leaving as its mark a vision and hope for one’s world; that it will be a personal habitat where each person’s actual significance is appreciated; that in it people will support and enrich each other; that it can be a place of welcome.”
David Gibson