Degree Outcomes MDiv Priesthood

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The requirements for the Master of Divinity Degree leading to ordination follow the Program of Priestly Formation (USCCB) implemented according to the Formation for Presbyeral Ministry in Institutes of Religious Life (CMSM) approved by the Vatican in October 2011.

Ordination candidates who graduate with the Masters of Divinity Degree will:

  1. Demonstrate a knowledge of the history and development of the Bible and Catholic theology, including the Church’s sacramental life, ministries, moral and social teachings
  2. Exercise leadership which incorporates practical theological reflection on worship, catechesis, biblical interpretation and preaching, pastoral care, administration, and social ministries
  3. Demonstrate Christian maturity through ministerial ethics, respect for cultural diversity, and commitment to lifelong learning about the Christian faith as well as to celibacy lived as both a gift and a discipline, with awareness of its theological, personal, and pastoral meaning.
  4. Incorporate the Benedictine charisms of biblical, liturgical, and communal life into their presbyteral identity and practice.