Recognition Societies

Several recognition societies have been established to honor individuals and organizations for their generous support.

In recognition of their contributions, donors gain membership in three recognition societies based on lifetime giving, deferred giving and annual giving.

Each recognition society provides special member benefits and honors, including event invitations and more.

Founders Society: Cumulative lifetime gifts exceed $50,000

Benedictine Legacy Society
: Donors who have included Saint John's in their estate plans

Fellows Society
: An annual gift of $1,000 or more to the university's Student Fund

Other leadership annual giving societies:

HMML Millennium Club: An annual gift of $1,000 or the Hill Museum & Manuscript Library

School of Theology and Seminary Fellows Society
: An Annual Fund gift of $1,000 or more to the School of Theology•Seminary

Saint John's Day

Each year we celebrate Saint John's Day with our leadership benefactors.  Celebrated in mid-April, this event features dinner and a recognition program as well as entertainment.