First Generation Funds

Immokalee GroupSince its founding in 1857, Saint John’s University has dedicated itself to educating first-generation male college students. Today nearly a third of our students are first-generation students.

Benedictine monks at Saint John’s began educating Minnesota’s early immigrants. Saint John’s later attracted first-generation students from rural and urban areas around the world, including the Bahamas, Bosnia, Japan, Puerto Rico and Somalia.

First-generation Johnnies include entrepreneurs, public servants, physicians, educators, scientists, clergy, and
many other vocations.

Through their children and community commitment, a first-generation graduate from Saint John’s fosters
multi-generation success and impact.

Learn more about funds that directly support first-generation students. 
Christo Rey Fund: Download the PDF. 

Immokalee Fund:  Download the PDF

Blog Posts: 

The Immokalee Scholarship Fund 

Eric Hollas, OSB
Phone: 320.363.3961
Email: [email protected]