Choir Alumni Club

Thanks for coming to the Alumni Choir Reunion!

Thank you to everyone who was able to make it back to campus for the CSB/SJU Choir Alumni Reunion!

For many of us, the College of Saint Benedict and the Saint John's University experience was not only enhanced, but characterized by singing.  If you attended the Mens' Chorus or the Chamber Choir, that means you were singing "on the breath" with none other than our esteemed Dr. Axel Theimer.

Welcome!  For you are at home and in august company.  This is your website, for alums of our beloved Theimer.  We invite you to look around and get involved... this group reflects the values that Theimer has shared with us through the years: fellowship, music, and looking out for our fellow students, past, present and future.

Shoulders back, heads up, eyes bright.  On the breath, people.