Temperature change request

Standard thermostat temperatures for residential buildings have been set by the SJU administration. If you would like your room to be below the standard temperature in the heating season (winter) or above the standard temperature in the cooling season (summer), talk with your roommates to see if you can agree on a different temperature.

Important: Before submitting this form, you must read the section specific to your building in the Heating and Cooling in Residential Buildings page. Also keep in mind that the normal range of temperatures is ±2°F from the set temperature, and that the temperature is measured where the thermostat is—your own thermometer may give a different reading.

Once you have all agreed on a new temperature, please follow these steps:

  1. Fill out this form and submit it.
  2. After you have submitted the form, print out the receipt page (the page that appears after you have submitted the form), sign it, and have all your roommates sign it. Email the signed receipt page to [email protected] or to Saint John's Physical Plant via campus mail.

Once Physical Plant has the e-mail and signed receipt page, Physical Plant will re-set the thermostat(s). If you later find that you or your roommates are unhappy with the new temperature, you have one more chance to find a new temperature; please follow the same procedure for requesting this.

You have two opportunities to change both the heating and cooling temperatures each academic year.  This is so because it would take too much work time if everyone requested their thermostats to be changed on a more frequent basis.