The Record, September 25, 1930
The Science Hall was completely renovated during the summer vacation. The accommodations of the chemical laboratories were increased and the lecture rooms for chemistry and biology were removed to new quarters in the same building. The former auditorium of the Science Hall has been divided into three rooms. The northeastern room is the lecture room for chemistry classes, while the biology classes use the southeastern one as their lecture room. The space between these is given over to the Architectural Department for use as an art library. The former organic chemistry laboratory in the basement was converted into a classroom to be used for biology classes. The entire building was repainted, and new linoleum was placed on the floors of the three upper lobbies. Three extra tables, each accommodating sixteen students, were added so that the capacity of organic, quantitative, and qualitative chemistry laboratories was doubled. A new system of steam-baths was installed in the organic chemistry section so that each student may have a separate steam-bath at his disposal. The chemical laboratories, with the centrally located stock-room, are on the second floor. This arrangement was made possible by converting classroom 23 into a laboratory.