Summer Research Fellowship

What is it?

Summer Research Fellowships are employment opportunities that support students engaged in research for 10 weeks during the summer. Research fellows work alongside a faculty member on various psychological research projects. Please see the Undergraduate Research website for more information.

What are the benefits?

Summer Research Fellows earn TBD plus a room and board supplement for 10 weeks. This is a great way to apply your classroom knowledge to real world questions of importance, to gain valuable research experience, and to interact with faculty members.

Who is eligible?

Research fellows must be a CSB/SJU psychology major who will be returning to study in the fall (graduates not eligible). Individual faculty members require various qualifications to be eligible for their particular fellowship. Often these requirements are the completion of Research Methods and a course related to the specific research project. See individual job descriptions to see if you are eligible.

What do I need to do to take advantage of this opportunity?

The positions will be advertised via an e-mail from the department coordinator in late February or early March. To be considered for a fellowship position, you will need to submit an application to the faculty member hiring a fellow. Typically, applications require a cover letter, résumé, and transcript, although each position may have unique requirements. Application details will be outlined in the position description advertised. Applications are usually due March 1st.

Opportunities for Summer 2024 Psychology Research Fellowship

The Psychology Department will be hiring several research fellows to work on research projects with faculty members for Summer 2024. Please see detailed descriptions of these opportunities and application requirements:

College of Saint Benedict
Saint John’s University

Dr. Robert Kachelski
Chair, Psychology Department
CSB Main 368
