Ongoing Research Opportunities

Below are descriptions of current research opportunities available in the Psychology Department. Students interested in attending graduate school are encouraged to get involved in research early in their undergraduate career. Participating in research as an undergraduate provides excellent preparation for the demands of a graduate program and indicates a serious interest in psychological scholarship, both of which are desirable characteristics of applicants to graduate school. Participating in research also provides students with an opportunity to get to know Psychology faculty and other Psychology majors better, as well as the chance to become more involved in the Psychology Department.

While participating in research as an undergraduate, students may receive ERP credits. Once you find a faculty member to work with for your ERP, you should discuss the details of your project with him or her. Then, you should fill out the online  ERP form. The form must be approved by both your ERP faculty moderator and the department chair.

If you are interested in participating in any of the projects below, please follow the instructions listed for that project. Please note that some of the research opportunities listed may not have any current openings. In addition, participation in some of the projects listed may require an application or an interview. Please contact the faculty mentor of each project for more information.

Although these opportunities are up to date, please check out our faculty page for additional opportunities. By clicking into each bio you will learn more about each professor’s research interests and can contact them if you are interested in learning more about how you can help.

Research in Cognitive Psychology
Affect, Beliefs, and Cognition in Development  Lab (the ABCD Lab Group)
Research in Political and Forensic Psychology (Lab: Unit for the Study of Personality in Politics)
College of Saint Benedict
Saint John’s University

Dr. Robert Kachelski
Chair, Psychology Department
CSB Main 368
