Distinguished Thesis and Senior Thesis

Thesis Rules, Expectations and Timelines:

Please note that the Psychology Department has additional requirements and deadlines for Distinguished Thesis beyond those published by the Office of Undergraduate Research and Scholars (OURS) for Distinguished Thesis. Read the Psychology guidelines carefully if you are considering a Distinguished Thesis. 

Should I Do a Distinguished Thesis or a Senior Thesis?

Be sure to discuss this issue with your faculty moderator as soon as you start developing your ideas for a thesis.  Knowing whether you will be completing a Distinguished Thesis or Senior Thesis will help you work toward the correct deadlines.

Similarities between a Distinguished Thesis and a Senior Thesis:
Differences between a Distinguished Thesis and a Senior Thesis:

Students completing a Distinguished Thesis must register for COLG 396 (“Thesis Proposal”) in the spring of their junior year (or fall if studying abroad in the spring) and register for COLG 398 (“Distinguished Thesis”) for three credits in the fall of their senior year and 1 credit in the spring. Students completing a Senior Thesis register for PSYC 396 for three credits in the fall and 1 credit in the spring.

Sample Proposals: