Search Tips
- Decolonizing the Library
- Searching
- Book Delivery
- Interlibrary Loan
- Holds
- Holds on DVDs
- Checking your Account
The search box on the library home page is the quickest and easiest way to start exploring what we have in the library and what we can get via interlibrary loan. Simply type in your search terms and hit the search button.
The left-hand side of the screen gives you ways to manipulate the search results on the right-hand side of the screen. Do you have a specific title you’re looking for and you don’t know if we have it or not? Change the ‘Sort by’ drop-down to ‘Best Match:’
Do you want to see things found at the BAC Music Library only? Use the “Held By Library” facet:
Don’t want to see article citations because you’re looking for a book? Use the ‘Format’ facet:
What if you’re looking for a DVD? You can either put in the title you’re looking for and include DVD in the search phrase OR you can use the format facets to limit to DVD:
What if you’re looking for article citations on a topic and you know that the JSTOR Ireland Collection will be the best source for your topic? You can use the ‘databases’ facet to zero in on citations matching your search terms from that database only. The facets you see will be based upon the items in your search results so there are many potential facets you can use to narrow your search results.
Once you’ve found a title or titles you’re interested in click on the title to bring up the detailed display which includes the item’s availability, location and call number as well as links to full-text online where appropriate.
If you’re looking for a specific item or want to do a more sophisticated search give FirstSearch a try.
Book Delivery
The easiest way to get a book owned by CSB and SJU is to search using the search box on the library’s home page and use the ‘Place Hold’ button:
You’ll see this for things we own whether they are available or checked out. This allows you to place a hold on an item that is checked out, on order, in processing, or available. When the item becomes available it will be routed to the pick-up location you select on the hold form and you’ll receive an email notice. The Intercampus Book Delivery form is still available but is not the quickest or most efficient way to request something.
Interlibrary Loan
The easiest way to get a book or article from another library (i.e. Interlibrary Loan) is to use the search box on the library’s home page and use the ‘Request Item through Interlibrary Loan’ button:
In a database you can use ‘Find it’ to bring up a menu of options:
Then use ‘Request this item’ to place an interlibrary loan:
In our new system Holds and Book Delivery are the same process. Search using the search box on the library’s home page and use ‘Place Hold’ to request the item be delivered to the campus of your choosing. If the item is checked out you’ll receive an email notification when the item has been returned and is at the pick-up location you selected. If the checked out item isn’t due back for one week or more Access Services staff will place an interlibrary loan for the item for you and cancel the hold request. You will be notified if this happens.
Holds on DVDs
In this system we are allowing holds on media such as DVDs. Media will sit on the hold shelf for 3 days before it goes back into circulation (a hold expiration notice is emailed to the patron when this happens). To request a media item use the search box on the library’s home page, find the item you’re interested in, and use ‘Place Hold’ to get the item routed to you. You’ll be notified when it is available at the pickup location you select and if someone else has the item you’ll be placed in the hold queue which you can monitor from your patron record (see below).
A video tutorial of the process can be found here:
Checking your Account
Use from the library home page or when you’re in the system to log into your patron account. We’ve integrated the campus single sign-on service so you’ll login with the same credentials you use to login to your CSB/SJU email. You’ll see something like this:
Which lets you choose between viewing your current checkouts, holds, and charges. Any interlibrary loans you’ve placed show up on your patron record as holds until you check the item out at which time you’ll find the item on the ‘Checkouts’ tab. Under ‘Checkouts’ you have the ability to renew CSB and SJU items but please note that you cannot renew interlibrary loans. If you need a renewal on an interlibrary loan please contact the ILL Office.
If you are a local borrower you won’t be able to login via the single sign-on authentication so you’ll need to contact Access Services with any questions related to your account or for renewals.
Need Help?
See our Ask Us page to email or call us.