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Ana Conboy, Interim Chair

Associate Professor/Chair
  • B.A., Bowdoin College, Maine
  • M.A., New York University in Paris, France
  • Ph. D., Boston College, Massachusetts

I grew up in Europe but didn’t go to France until I was 22; I’m trilingual; I was a Biochemistry major in college.

After minoring in French at Bowdoin College, I finally traveled to France for the first time a year after graduation when I participated in the Teaching Assistantship Program in France (TAPIF). That year was an eye-opening and transformative experience for me, setting me on the path to become a professor of French Studies. What was meant to be a seven-month soul-searching journey, became a three-year sojourn in France.

I’ve been at CSBSJU since 2015 and am constantly inspired by the students I engage with in and out of the classroom. My primary area of expertise is 17th-century literature, and specifically theater. However, I’m very interested in action research and trying new things in the classroom to help students reach proficiency in French and develop their own appreciation of the French language and the French-speaking world. In my classes, I’ve incorporated interactive exchanges with native speakers of French, and I’ve invited local and global community francophone speakers to enrich class content. I strongly advocate for the cura personalis, the teaching of the whole person, as an ideal of liberal arts education, and I encourage students to explore during their college years in order to find a true sense of vocation. I’ve also partnered with the Center for Global Education, by leading the Cannes, France, study abroad program, and am looking forward to leading the fall 2023 in our new location, Montpellier. Come see me or send me an email, if you have questions about it!

In addition to teaching French language, literature and culture, my passions lie in singing, oenology (look it up…), jogging, mindfulness, and yoga. I also am proud of some of my imitation skills… but you’ll have to ask me about those.

Academic Interests

17th Century French literature, Baroque and Classic literature and culture, Hagiographic theater, Metatheater and theater within theater, language pedagogy and linguistics

Awards and Honors
  • 2022 Catholic Benedictine Educator Award
  • 2021 S. Mary Grell/Robert Spaeth Teacher of Distinction Award

Conboy, Ana and Kevin Clancy. “Promoting Intercultural Citizenship in Study Abroad through Contemplative Pedagogy.” in Intercultural Citizenship in Language Education: Teaching and Learning through Social Action. Kong, K. and Spenader, A. (eds.). Multilingual Matters (2023).

Conboy, Ana. “The Invisible Mark: Representations of Baptism in Early Modern Parisian Hagiographic Dramaturgy” in Stigma: Markings on the Skin in the Early Modern World. The Sensory History series at Penn State University Press (2023).

Conboy, A. (2022). Transition in the era of a pandemic: An exercise in mindfulness. Journal of Contemplative Inquiry 9(2), 9-23.

Conboy, Ana. La comédie musicale française d’entre-deux guerres: un coup de commercialisation et le cas de Dédé. The French Review 94.4 (2021).

Conboy, Ana Fonseca. “Where Learning Begins: Lessons from a Pandemic.” The French Review, vol. 94 no. 3, 2021, p. 15-20. Project MUSEdoi:10.1353/tfr.2021.0001.

Conboy, Ana. “La double salutation de Baro : Pratique théâtrale et théâtre irrégulier dans la (méta)théâtralité deCélinde“. La Licorne: revue de langue et de littératures françaises(October 2018).

Conboy, Ana. “Voir l’audible, aspirer à l’invisible inaccessible : L’hypotypose comme adaptation aux règles classiques dans la dramaturgie hagiographique française du XVIIe siècle”. L’Hypothypose: théorie et pratique de l’Antiquité à nos jours,ed. W. K. Pietrzak, Acta Universitatis Lodziensis, Folia Litteraria Romanica, 11, 2018.

Conboy, Ana, Esther Gimeno-Ugalde, and Alexandra Reuber. “Video-Conferencing in the Target Language Curriculum: Linguistic and Cultural Learning Guaranteed”. Strengthening World Language Education: Standards for Success, ed. R. Terry and R. Fox, NECTFL ReviewSpecial Issue 2017.

Conboy, Ana. Awakening Imagination: Glimpses of Ignatian Spirituality in Seventeenth-Century French Hagiographic Theatre, 2017.