Resources and Opportunities

French Studies

Current Continued-study or Employment Opportunities
French Scholarship

French majors enrolled at the College of Saint Benedict are eligible to apply for the Dr. & Mrs. Joseph B. Gaida & Family Scholarship for French. Recipients are chosen on the basis of scholarship, strength of academic purpose, and financial need. Amounts of approximately $3000 are divided among scholarship recipients every year.

The scholarship is awarded every spring on the basis of scholarship, strength of academic purpose, and financial need, and is open to all French majors enrolled at the College of Saint Benedict who will be juniors or seniors in the Fall semester of a given year. Find out more about the Scholarship for French.

Student Employment

Each year the French faculty work with student language tutors and TAs, the French Cultural Events assistant, and office assistants through student employment; these positions might include tutoring, assistance with class materials and cultural events, researching films for the French Film Series, and other research as needed by individual faculty members.

After Graduation
The French Government Teaching Assistant Program

TAPIF – The French government teaching assistant program is of special interest: Students who will have graduated by next summer and who have working knowledge of French can apply for one of over 500 positions available. Modest stipend paid. No charge to apply or participate. Note that the application forms are entirely in French and very extensive! While the materials specify eligibility as limited to French majors, many of our students who were accepted in past years were not French majors but had a working knowledge of French.

College of Saint Benedict
Saint John’s University

Jeff DuBois
Chair, Languages and Cultures Department
CSB Richarda P32

Norma Koetter
Department Coordinator
CSB Richarda N10

Follow the CSB and SJU French Club on Instagram.
