Goals and Objectives

Acquire communicative proficiency in Spanish at the appropriate level according to the ACTFL Performance Guidelines.

Objective 1
Demonstrate an ability to comprehend texts and spoken language.
Objective 2
Demonstrate an ability to present content in written and oral form.
Objective 3
Demonstrate an ability to interact and negotiate meaning.

Develop an understanding of the diversity of the Hispanic world and apply that cultural awareness across the curriculum, in Spanish, at the appropriate level.

Objective 1
Demonstrate an understanding of the racial, ethnic, gender, religious, socio-economic, political diversity within and across the Hispanic world.
Objective 2
Demonstrate an understanding of the diversity that is particular to the Hispanic world in relationship to that of ones' own culture.
Objective 3
Demonstrate an ability to interact appropriately with Hispanic or Heritage Spanish speakers locally or abroad.
Develop and apply analytical and critical skills across the language, literature, linguistics and culture areas of the curriculum, in Spanish, at the appropriate level.

Objective 1
Demonstrate the ability to understand and apply relevant terms and concepts.
Objective 2
Develop the ability to identify and explain the formal components of a subject of study.
Objective 3
Develop the ability to identify and explain how historical and social contexts influence a subject of study.
Demonstrate, in Spanish, an understanding of Hispanic Studies as an interdisciplinary field in the Humanities at the appropriate level.

Objective 1
Demonstrate in spoken and written language the ability to understand and explore relationships between the subjects we cover in Hispanic Studies and how they intersect with other Humanities disciplines.
Objective 2
Demonstrate through research in Spanish the ability to partake in the rich cultural, social, political, historical and intellectual life of a diverse Hispanic world.

Revised Fall 2012