Study Abroad Information Sessions & Appointments

Study Abroad 101 Sessions

Study Abroad 101 sessions are the perfect way to begin your study abroad search. Not sure if studying abroad will work for you? Which program will fit best with your academic program? All students are encouraged to attend a Study Abroad 101 session as they begin to explore the international education opportunities at CSB+SJU. The Study Abroad 101 session will include an overview of the study abroad options available to CSB+SJU students. It can help you narrow down your study abroad search.

If you are unable to attend a 101, review the Study Abroad 101 information on our Canvas page to help you start your search for a study abroad program. 

Study Abroad 201 Sessions: The Application Process & Resume Workshop

As you are preparing to apply for a semester study abroad program, consider attending a Study Abroad 201 session to help you succeed with your application. 

At Study Abroad 201 sessions, Hub Ambassadors will walk you through the entire semester study abroad application, including interview and resume tips. Applications for semester study abroad programs become available November 1st.

If you are unable to attend a 201, review the Study Abroad 201 information on our Canvas page for tips and tricks to support your application.

Check out our Study Abroad 101 & 201 Schedule

Can't make it to any of the Study Abroad 101s/201s?

Schedule an Information Meeting; SA 101 or 201 Make Up appointment to meet one-on-one with a Hub Ambassador through the Hive.

Program Advising & Appointments

Program advising is available through scheduled "Dive Deeper" appointments in the Hive, where a member of CGE will meet one-on-one with you to assist you in finding a program that matches your academic, career, and personal goals and interests.

What you need to know: 

  • You are encouraged to attend a Study Abroad 101 session before meeting with a member of the CGE staff.
  • The Study Abroad 201 session is not mandatory but quite helpful for the semester application process.
  • Schedule all appointments in the Hive
  • Appointments are in Clemens Library (CSB) or on Zoom.