Faculty Research
Faculty in the CSB/SJU Education Department are active scholars in the field of teaching and learning. Recent scholarship by faculty in our department include:
Collaborations between multiple faculty members
Fenton, D. and Johnson, T. (2020, November). Improving Confidence and Competence with STEM Content and Pedagogy. International Society for Technology in Education, Anaheim, CA.
Rodriguez, T.L., Bohn-Gettler, C.M., & Israelson, M.H. (2020). Missed opportunities: Troubling the waters of social justice teaching in an English methods course. English Education 52(2), 114-134 .
Israelson, M., Fenton, D., Bohn-Gettler, C., Rodriguez, T.L., Spenader, A., & Woodard, B. (2020). Taking stock: An equity audit of a teacher education program. In A. Jantzer and K. Lyndgaard (Eds.). Facing the changes we need: Inquiry-based approaches to inclusion in higher education. Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield, Lexington Books.
Rodriguez, T.L. & Ergen, L.T. (2020). Do more, think again, keep learning: Advocating for refugee and immigrant English learners through social justice teaching. In T.L. Rodriguez, H.L. Hallman, and K. Pastore-Capuana (Eds.). Invested stayers: How teachers thrive in challenging times. Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield.
Dr. Catherine Bohn-Gettler
Bohn-Gettler, C. M., & Kaakinen, J. L. (2021-2025). Editors-in-Chief, Discourse Processes.
Bohn-Gettler, C. (2019). Emotions as Moderators or Mediators of Resonance, Integration, and Validation during Reading. Student-Faculty Collaborative Grant, College of Saint Benedict – St. John’s University. $7500 [funded].
Dr. Terri Rodriguez
Rodriguez, T.L., Hallman, H.L., & Pastore-Capuana, K. (Eds.) (2020). Invested stayers: How teachers thrive in challenging times. Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield.
Polat, N., Mahalingappa, L., & Rodriguez, T.L. (2020). Promoting peace through social justice pedagogies for students from immigrant Muslim communities: Using critical language awareness in second language classrooms. In T. Gregersen, M. Olivero, and R. Oxford (Eds.). Peacebuilding in TESOL: Innovations in theory and practice (Links to an external site.). Bristol, England: Multilingual Matters.
Vetter, A., Schieble, M., Monet, K., & Rodriguez, T. (2020). Framework for critical conversations as social justice pedagogy in ELA classrooms. In B. Asmus and C.H. Gonzalez, (Eds.). Engaging the critical in English education: Approaches from the commission on social justice in education. New York: Peter Lang.
Dr. Allison Spenader
Glynn, C., Spenader, A., and Wagner M. (2021, June) Transformative Language Education in Novice Level Classes: Intercultural Citizenship and Social Justice. Workshop accepted for Language Education for Social Justice conference, Jyväskylä, Finland.
Spenader, A. and Glynn, C. (2021, April). Transforming Teaching: Critical Content Based Instruction in World Language Classrooms. Northeast Conference on the Teaching of Foreign Languages. New York City, NY.
Glynn, C. & Spenader, A. (2020 ) Critical Content Based Instruction for the Transformation of World Language Classrooms. L2 Journal Special Issue Rethinking Critical Pedagogy in L2 Learning and Thinking. https://doi.org/10.5070/L212246307
Dr. Susan Vollbrecht
Vollbrecht, S. H. (2020). Singing for Self: An Examination of Why We Sing. Presented at Her Voice, Her Song 2020 Virtual Festival. Staples Area Women’s Chorus Staples, MN. November 2020
Vollbrecht, S. H. (2020). Circle Singing as Community Building and Mindful Practice: An Introduction to Vocal Improvisation. Presented at Fall ACDA Virtual State Conference – Minnesota Choral Renaissance 2020: A Season of Change. October 2020
College of Saint Benedict
Saint John’s University
Leah VanOverbeke
Department Coordinator