Vitae Resumido

Curriculum Vitae Resumido
Enero 2013

Dr. Daniel K. Finn            
13369 20th Street
Bowlus, MN 56314
Oficina: (320)363-3048
E-mail: [email protected]

Estados Unidos

Datos Personales
Ciudadano de Estado Unidos, casado, con dos hijos.
Fecha y lugar de nacimiento: Abril 30, 1947, Rochester, N.Y.

Area de concentración académica
Relaciones entre economía y ética

Titulos Academicos
PhD (Doctor) 1977 – University of Chicago: Ética Social
MA (Máster) 1975 – University of Chicago: Economía
BS (Bachiller en Ciencias) 1968 – Saint John Fisher College: Matemáticas

Posiciones Actuales en la St. John’s University (Collegeville, MN, 563231)
Profesor a cargo de la Cátedra William y Virginia Clemens de Economía y Artes Liberales
Profesor de Economía, Departmento de Ciencias Económicas
Profesor de Teología y Ética, Facultad de Teología

Trabajos Anteriores en la St. John’s University
1984-89 Decano de la Facultad de Teología
1982-84 Director del Departmento de Economía y Administración

Otros Trabajos Anteriores
1971-73 Profesor de Análisis Matemático, Cardinal Mooney High School, Rochester, NY
1968-69 Coordinador de Equipo y Director de Programas Vocacionales para Campamentos de Trabajadores Migrantes Internos, Proyecto REACH, Perkinsville, N.Y.

Membrecía en Asociaciones Profesionales
Asociación Americana de Economía
Asociación de Economía Social
Asociación de Historia Económica
Asociación de Economía en Evolución
Asociación de Economía del Medio-Oeste de los Estados Unidos
Asociación Económica de Minnesota
Sociedad de Ética Cristiana
Sociedad Americana de Teología Catolica

Participación en Consejos Directivos de Asociaciones Académicas en los Estados Unidos:
2009 Presidente of the Society of Christian Ethics
2006-07 Presidente of Catholic Theological Society of America (CTSA)
1986 Presidente, Association for Social Economics
1985-87 Presidente, Midwest Association of Theological Schools
2006-present Co-director del programa de investigación, The True Wealth of Nations, Institute for Advanced Catholic Studies, Los Angeles, CA
2012-present “Asesor”, anti-corruption, Departamento de Justicia y Solidaridad, Consejo Episcopal Latinoamericano (CELAM).
2002-08 Board of Directors, Catholic Theological Society of America
1988-92 & Board of Directors, Society of Christian Ethics
2005-06 Chair of CTSA ad hoc Committee on Convention Restructuring
2002-04 Chair of the CTSA Ad Hoc Committee on the Current Crisis in the Church.
2000-01 Representative of the Catholic Theological Society of America to the U.S. Catholic Bishops’ Committee on the Mandatum
2000-02 Chair of CTSA Ad Hoc Committee on the Mandatum.
1995-present Referee for The Forum for Social Economics
1994-present Referee de articulos para el Journal of Religious Ethics
1991-present Referee del journal Horizons
1989-98 Editorial Board, Churches’ Center/Abingdon Press Series on Public Policy & Religion
1987-present Referee del Annual of the Society of Christian Ethics
1987-89 Vice President, Minnesota Consortium of Theological Schools
1987-2003 Convener, Political Economy Interest Group, Society of Christian Ethics
1986 Presidente, Asociación de Economía Social
1983-85 y Miembro del Consejo Ejecutivo National de la Asociación de Economía
1979-81 Social
1987-presente Director, Grupo de Economía Política, Sociedad de Ética Cristiana
1978-86 Miembro de Comité Steering, Grupo de Economía Política, Sociedad de Ética Cristiana
1978-83 Director, Grupo de Trabajo de Ética Social y Justicia Económica de la Academia Americana de Religión
1988-92 Miembro de Consejo de Directores, Sociedad de Ética Cristiana
1985-87 Presidente, Asociación de Escuelas de Posgrado de Teología del Medio-Oeste de los Estados Unidos
1987-89 Vice Presidente, Asociación de Escuelas de Posgrado de Teología del Estado de  Minnesota
1977-presente Referee de la Review of Social Economy
1989-1997 Miembro del Consejo Editorial, Churches Center for Theology and Public Policy, Proyecto conjunto con la Editorial Abingdon Press, Serie de Religión y Políticas Públicas

Publicaciones: (A) Libros

2014    Distant Markets, Distant Harms: Market Complicity and Christian Ethics, Editor, Oxford University Press.
2013 Christian Economic Ethics: History and Implications, Fortress Press, forthcoming.
2012 The Moral Dynamics of Economic Life: An Extension and Critique of Caritas in Veritate, Editor, Oxford University Press.
2010 True Wealth of Nations: Catholic Social Thought and Economic Life, Editor, Oxford University Press.
2006 The Moral Ecology of Markets: Assessing Claims about Markets and Justice, Cambridge University Press.
1996 Just Trading: On the Ethics and Economics of International Trade, Abingdon Press.
1985 Toward a Christian Economic Ethic: Stewardship and Social Power, with Prentiss L. Pemberton, Winston/Seabury.
1980 Readings in Ethics for the Analysis of Values, Edited by Daniel Finn, Linda Hansen, Robert Joyce, and Roger Kasprick, O.S.B., Ginn Publishing.

Publicaciones: (B) Articulos en Libros Colectivos Y Revistas Academicas

2014    “Ubicuidad De La Corrupción,” in Regina Ammicht Quinn, Luiz Carolos Susin y Lisa Sowle Cahill , eds., Revista Internacional de Teolgia: Concilium, November.
2014    “Justice in Markets: What is Required?,” Journal of Catholic Social Thought, vol. II, no. 2, Summer.
2014    “Tanto el don como el contrato: Un marco para relacionar la caridad y la justicia del mercado”, in Octavio Groppa y Carlos Hoevel, eds., Economia del don: Perspectivas Para Latinoamerica, Buenos Aires: Ciudad Nueva, 2014.
2012 “Human Work in Catholic Social Thought,” in Kenneth R. Lord, ed., Two Views of Social Justice: A Catholic/Georgist Dialogue, Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell. Also published in the American Journal of Economics and Sociology, vol. 71, no. 4, October, 2012.
2012 “Catholic Social Thought as an Empirical Claim, in Mark J. Allman, ed., The Almighty and the Dollar: Reflections on Economic Justice for All, Winona, MN: Anselm Academic, 2012.
2011 “Charity and Truth in Business: Profit, Gift and Social Capital,” Origins, vol. 41, no. 10, July 21.
2011 “Nine Libertarian Heresies that Tempt Neo-Conservative Catholics to Stray from Catholic Social Teaching,” (and “A Rejoinder” to two respondents), Journal of Markets and Morality, vol. 14, no. 2, Fall.
2011 “Power, Leadership, and the Struggle against Government Corruption,” in Douglas A. Hicks and Thad Wiliamson, eds., Leadership and Global Justice, New York, Palgrave Macmillion.
2011 “Benedict XVI and Liberation Theology: Reason, Will, and History.” In Horizons, vol. 38, #2, Fall 2011, 274-283.
2010 “Theology and Sustainable Economics,” in Richard W. Miller, ed., God, Creation, and Climate Change: A Catholic Response to the Environmental Crisis, Maryknoll, NY: Orbis Books, 2010.
2010 “The Promise of Interdisciplinary Engagement: Christian Ethics and Economics as a Test Case,” Journal of the Society of Christian Ethics, vol. 30, no.2, Fall/Winter, 2010.
2010 “The Morality of Markets: A Response to Kenneth Melchin,” The Lonergan Review, vol. 2, no. 1, Spring.
2009 “Moral Values and the Rules of International Trade,” in Steven Rundle, ed., Economic Justice in a Flat World: Christian Perspectives on Globalization, Paternoster Press.
2009 “The Priority of Labor over Capital: Some Needed Extensions,” Journal of Catholic Social Thought, vol. 6, no. 1, Winter, 2009.
2007 “Continuing the Dialogue on Markets and Morality,” Author’s response to three reviews of Daniel Finn, The Moral Ecology of Markets: Assessing Claims about Markets and Justice, Symposium in Faith and Economics, no. 49, Spring.
2007 “Power and Public Presence in Catholic Social Thought, the Church, and the CTSA,” CTSA Proceedings, vol. 62, pp. 62-77. Also available as “The Catholic Theological Society of America and the Bishops,” Origins, vol. 37, no 6, June 21, 2007.
2005 “Commentary on Centesimus annus,” in Kenneth Himes, ed., Modern Catholic Social Teaching: Commentaries and Interpretations, Georgetown University Press.
2003 “The Foundations of Economic Personalism: Promise and Peril,” Markets and Morality, vol. 6, no. 2.
2003 “The Moral Ecology of Markets: On the Failure of the Amoral Defense of Markets,” Review of Social Economy, vol.61, #2, June.
2001 “Catholic Social Thought on Property: An Urgent Need for Extension and Renewal,” in Religion and Public Life: The Legacy of Monsignor John A. Ryan, Lanham, Maryland: University Press of America.
2000 “On the Choice of Method in Economics: Options for Humanists,” Journal of Markets & Morality, vol.3, #2.
2000 “Creativity as a Problem for Moral Theology: John Locke’s 99 Percent Challenge to the Catholic Doctrine of Property,” Horizons, vol. 27, #1, Spring.
2000 “On the Rationale for Third World Debt Relief,” Faith and Economics, #35, Spring.
1999 “Condiciones para un mercado justo,” Persona y Sociedad (ILADES, Santiago, Chile) August.
1999 “The Economic Personalism of John Paul II: Neither Right Nor Left,” Journal of Markets and Morality, vol. 2, #1, Spring.
1998 “John Paul II and The Moral Ecology of Markets,” Theological Studies, vol. 59, #4, December.
1998 “Discerning the Causes of Globalization,” in Julio de Santa Ana, ed., Sustainability and Globalization, Geneva, Switzerland: WCC Publications.
1998 “La moralidad y el mercado: la estructura de la evaluación moral de sistemas
1997 “Morality, Markets, and Government: The Structure of a Christian Moral Assessment of Economic Systems,” in Thomas G. Walsh and Frank Kaufmann, eds., Christianity in the Americas: Ecumenical Essays, New York: The Inter-Religious Federation for World Peace.
1994 “Economic Order”, The New Dictionary of Catholic Social Thought, ed. J.A. Dwyer, Michael Glazer Books, The Liturgical Press, Collegeville, MN.
1993 “Poverty and Prosperity in Global Economics: Making Sense of Conflicting Claims” in Mary E. Stamps, ed., To Do Justice and Right Upon the Earth: Papers from the Virgil Michel Symposium on Liturgy and Social Justice, Collegeville, MN: The Liturgical Press.
1989 “Theological Scholarship; Freedom and Responsibility in the Seminary Setting,” in Daniel Finn, Zeni Fox, John O’Malley and Robert Schwartz, Theology of Priesthood and Seminary Formation: Issues of Assembly II, Washington, D.C.: National Catholic Education Association.
1987 “Economic Individualism and the Prospects for Civilizing Enterprise” in W. Widick Schroeder, and F.I. Gamwell, ed., Economic Life: Process Interpretations and Critical Responses, Chicago: Center for the Scientific Study of Religion.
1986 “The Church and the Economy in the Modern World,” in Judith A. Dwyer, SSJ, ed., Questions of Special Importance: The Church in the Modern World — Two Decades After Vatican II, Washington, D.C.: Georgetown University Press.
1986 “Contributions of Orthodox Economics to Ethical Reflection,” in Bruce Grelle and David A. Krueger, ed., Christianity and Capitalism: Perspectives on Religion, Liberalism, and the Economy, Chicago: Council for the Social Scientific Study of Religion.
1984 “Ethical Dimensions of the Debate on Economic Planning,” in John W. Houk and Oliver F. Williams, ed., Catholic Social Teaching and the United States Economy, Washington, D.C.: University Press of America.

Otras Publicaciones: (C) Otras

2014    “Smart Money: The Economic Case for Funding Pre-K,” Commonweal, vol. 139, no. 15, November.
2013    “Gamed: What Wall Street has in Common with the Olympics,” Commonweal, vol. 140, no. 6, March 22.
2012   “Dear Prudence: Translating Moral Principle into Public Policy,” Commonweal, vol. 139, no.18, October 26.
2012    “Commerce as Compromise,” America, vol. 207, no. 4, August, 13-20.
2012 “Private Property, Self-Regulation, and Just Price: A Response to Philip Booth and Samuel Gregg,” Journal of Markets and Morality, vol. 15, no.2, Fall.
2012 “Commerce as Compromise,” America, vol. 207, no. 4, August,13-20.
2012 Review of Edward J. O’Boyle, ed., Looking Beyond the Individualism and Homo Economicus of Neoclassical Economics: a Collection of Original Essays Dedicated to the Memory of Peter L. Danner, Our Friend and Colleague, in Faith and Economics, no. 59, spring.
2012 “The Priority of Labor: Romney, Bain Capital and Catholic Social Teaching,” Commonweal, vol. 139, #13, July 13.
2011 “When Is Self-interest Moral?” Commonweal, vol. 138, #21, December 2.
2010 “Uncertainty Principle: The Bishops, Health Care & Prudence,” Commonweal, vol. 137, no. 6, March, 18-20.
2010 “Mind the Gap,” Review of Richard Wilkinson and Kate Pickett’s The Sprit Level: Why Greater Equality Makes Societies Stronger,” In Commonweal, vol. 137, #13, July 16.
2010 “Benedict’s Third Way,” The Tablet, March 13.
2009 “Economics of Charity: Pope Benedict’s ‘Caritas in Veritate,'” Commonweal, vol. 126, no. 14, August.
2009 “Pope Offers an Economics for Our Times,” op ed piece, Star Tribune, July 10.
2009 “The Pope’s Integrated Vision,” op ed piece, St. Paul/Minneapolis Archdiocese, The Spirit and St. Cloud Diocese The Visitor, July.
2009 “Can this Market be Saved? and interview with Daniel Finn,” U. S. Catholic, vol. 74, no. 3, March.
2008 “Libertarian Heresy: The Fundamentalism of Free-Market Theology,” Commonweal, vol. 137, no. 16, September 26, 2008.
2006 “Preface: The Christian View of Wealth,” Helen Alford, O.P., et. al., Rediscovering Abundance: Interdisciplinary Essays on Wealth, Income, and Their Distribution in the Catholic Social Tradition, University of Notre Dame Press.
2006 Review of Albino Barrera, Economic Compulsion and Christian Ethics, Cambridge University Press, in Journal of Markets and Morality, vol. 9, no. 2, Fall.
2005 “Hello, Catholics: Republicans & Targeting of Religious Votes,” Commonweal, vol. 132, no. 19, November 4.
2004 “Misreading the Pope,” Review of Rebecca M. Blank and William McGurn’s Is the Market Moral, Commonweal, vol. 13, no 17, October 8.
2003 “The Current Crisis in the Church: Introductory Comments,” Proceedings of the Catholic Theological Society of America, vol. 58.
2003 “A Religious Challenge to Both Orthodox and Heterodox Economics,” Review of Stephen D. Long’s Divine Economy: Theology and the Market, in Research in the History of Economic Thought and Methodology, vol. 21-A.
2002 “God and Goods: Economics as if Theology Mattered,” Review of D. Stephen Long’s Divine Economy: Theology and the Market, The Christian Century, vol. 119, #7, March 27.
2002 Review of Albino Barrera’s Modern Catholic Social Documents and Political Economy, Horizons, vol. 29, #2, Fall.
2000 “Theologians, Catholic Higher Education, and the Mandatum: Report to the Ad Hoc Committee on the Mandatum,” The Catholic Theological Society of America. Daniel Finn, Chair, with John P. Boyle, Lisa Sowle Cahill, James A. Coriden, Robert A. Krieg, M. Theresa Moser, James H. Provost, September.
2000 Review of The Market Economy and Christian Ethics by Peter H. Sedgwick, in The Christian Century, vol. 117, #22, August 2.
2000 Review of Richard C. Bayer’s Capitalism and Christianity: The Possibility of Christian Personalism, Horizons, vol. 27, #2, Fall.
2000 “A Thoroughly Embodied Economics: A Review of Personalist Economics by Edward J. Boyle,” Review of Social Economy, vol. 56, #4, December
1998 “Catholic Social Teaching and Labor Unions,” St. Cloud Visitor, September 17.
1998 “Quarks, Tropes, and the Suicide Squeeze,” Symposium, no. 16.
1997 “Monologue and Dialogue in Christian Economic Ethics,” Journal of Religious Ethics, vol. 25, #2 Fall.
1996 “Three Cheers for the Gas Tax,” The Christian Century, vol. 113, no. 23, July 31.
1996 “Thinking Religiously About Economic Life,” The Christian Century, vol. 113, no. 14, April 24.
1994 Review of Michael L. Budde’s The Two Churches: Catholicism and Capitalism in the World-System, in Horizons, vol. 21, #2, Fall.
1993 Review of Mary Hobgood’s Catholic Social Teaching and Economic Theory: Paradigms in Conflict, in Horizons, Vol. 20, #1, Spring.
1993 “NAFTA: Assessing the Issues”, St. Cloud Visitor, Nov. 11.
1991 Review of M. Douglas Meeks’ God the Economist, in Journal of Religion, July.
1989 “Self-Interest: Good and Bad,” guest columnist, Catholic Bulletin, November.
1988 Review of J. Phillip Wogaman’s Economics and Ethics:  A Christian Inquiry in Horizons, Vol. 15, #1, Spring.
1987 Review of Franz H. Mueller’s “The Church and the Social Question,” Review of Social Economy, April.
1986 Review of George Lodge’s The American Disease, in New Catholic World, July.
1984 Economics and Christian Values,” with P. L. Pemberton, Commonweal, November 2.
1984 “Christian Ethics and Debate Over Economic Planning,” New Catholic World, July/August.
1983 “Listening to Men’s Voices”, St. John’s University, Symposium, #2.
1982 “The Ethical Orientations of Schools of Economic Thought,” Annual of the Society of Christian Ethics.
1979 “Objectivity in Economics:  On the Choice of a Scientific Method,” Review of Social Economy, April.
1976 “Norm and Method in Normative Economics,” Forum for Social Economics, Spring.

2000 Robert L. Spaeth Teacher of Distinction Award, Saint John’s University.
2005 Thomas F. Divine Award from the Association for Social Economics for lifetime contributions to social economics in the social economy, January
2008 Monica Hellwig Award from the Association of Catholic Colleges and Universities for outstanding contributions to Catholic intellectual life
2012 Ludwig Mai Service Award from the Association for Social Economics for exception service to the Association

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College of Saint Benedict
Saint John’s University

Daniel Finn
Clemens Professor of Economics and Professor of Theology
CSB Main 319
[email protected]

Judy Shank
SJU Simons Hall 246
[email protected]