Adventure in Architecture

From page 73:

“Marcel Breuer is a member of a mythical club of staircase designers, but if a fireplace club were organized he would be the president.  There are four fireplaces in the monastic building (see illustrations 36, 39, 46, 49), each different and each exciting as a formal organization of space with sculptural interest.  The sculptural form of the fireplace in the Fathers’ recreation room is now decorated and made more articulate with the addition of a Madonna and Child in wrought iron and a Saint Benedict by Joseph O’Connell, formerly a member of the Art Department at Saint John’s.”

Madonna and Child - from Adventures in Architecture  Joe O'connell tabernacle
(Click thumbnails for larger image)
Left:  Madonna and Child – from Adventures in Architecture, 1958, p. 71, figure 46.  This sculpture is located in the Breuer wing, first floor, of St. John’s Abbey.
Right:  Joe O’connell tabernacle – from Adventures in Architecture, 1958, p. 81, figure 56.  This has been re-mounted on a stand, is stored in the Abbey sacristy, and is used during times when the hosts are removed from the church, e.g. between Holy Thursday and Easter Sunday.