Extraordinary Performance Award Winners
Each semester, one CSB and one SJU employee are given the Extraordinary Performance Award based on nominations received by a committee. There are four categories of evaluation for extraordinary performance: Commitment to Excellence, Role Model/Personal Work Style, Leadership, and Benedictine Values.
Fall 2015: None given; program under review
Spring 2015: Robert Stoeckel and Mary Beth Thompson
Fall 2014: Tammy Huston and Judy Purman
Spring 2014: Cathy Robak and Tom Voller-Berdan
Fall 2013: Sheila Hellermann and Marcia Mahlum
Spring 2013: Stacy Penk and Nicole Reuter
Fall 2012: Gary Jorgensen and Cindy Rodenwald
Spring 2012: Peggy Roske and Tom Stock
Fall 2011: Cindy Dockendorf and Tom Vogel
Spring 2011: Nikki Jochman and Gary Nelson
Fall 2010: Bonnie Kalla and Laura Schmitz
Spring 2010: Kenneth Cartwright and Pam Reding
Fall 2009: Dianne Johnstone and Tasha Marwitz
Spring 2009: Wendy Bechtold and Eileen Haeg
Fall 2008: Fr. Daniel Durken and Louise Geyer
Spring 2008: Suzette Ehlinger and Miranda Novak
Fall 2007: Sharon Toogood Froehle and Dan Sis
Spring 2007: John Miller and Greg Schirmers
Fall 2006: Tom Kroll and Connie Schiff
Spring 2006: Jane Moening and Jeanne Terres
Fall 2005: Karen Backes and Norma Dickau
Spring 2005: Liola Dold and Carol Howe-Veenstra
Fall 2004: Lois Harren and Jane Haugen
Spring 2004: Carla Durand-Demarais and Jeff Wubbels
Fall 2003: Mona Gruber and Mary Ann Kammers
Spring 2003: Barb Fahnhorst and Valerie Knopp
Fall 2002: Mark Klocker and Burdette Miller-Lehn
Spring 2002: Larry Christen and Mary Tamm
Fall 2001: Eileen Bitzan and Norma Koetter
Spring 2001: Ann Arndt and Robyn Courchane
Fall 2000: Carol Johannes and Mary Niedenfuer
Spring 2000: Sharon Schmitt and Geraldine Zierden
Fall 1999: Bonnie Meyer and Maryjean Opitz
Spring 1999: Terry Bernardy and Dennis Shay
Fall 1998: Bev Radaich and Suzanne Reinert
Spring 1998: Deb Guertin and Jan Kaufman
Fall 1997: Mary Darnall and Thang Nguyen
Spring 1997: Carol Jansky and Tom Nichol
Fall 1996: Deb Lehman and Joan Volkers
Spring 1996: Gloria Hardy and Bill Weiss